Problems with Word & Excel

Discussion in 'Software' started by Daniela, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. Daniela

    Daniela Private First Class

    I’m having problems with MS Word and Excel. Recently always when I want to start Word or Excel, I’m getting message to install some new feature. I need to cancel couple times, that pop-up and after that everything works fine. I try to install using the CD but I’m getting error message that the file POPULIS is not correct.
    I don’t want to install anything. How to get rid of that first message for installing

    Thanks, D
  2. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    What does POPULIS mean to you? A Google search on it shows nothing related to Word or Excel. Do you use a website of that name?

    What version of Office are you using? What version of Windows? Did you install any software just before this started happening? Do you have a Restore Point prior to the date this started happening?
  3. Daniela

    Daniela Private First Class

    Populis(something like that) is file from instalation CD. I have MS Office XP and Win XP.
    Thanks for you replay
  4. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    We need to be precise here. Again, I'm not finding anything in a Google searching indicating the some file called POPULIS is related to Office. If the file was related, some pertinent info would most likely appear. EXACTLY what error message are you getting. Do you have your Office XP CD? Is your Office CD a genuine Microsoft product, purchased from a legitimate source?
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Likely and I'm having an educated guess on this knowing you have Office XP in that the exact message is a missing proplus.msi file, two options off hand are:

    1. If you had opted to save the Office MSOcache on install of Office, then goto any folder and click Tools > Folders and Options > View , then look down the list and check "Show hidden files and folders"

    then open Word or Excel again as the installer sometimes does not find the hidden folder, also make sure your logged in as the ADMIN on the PC.

    2. Follow this
  6. Daniela

    Daniela Private First Class

    I have the CD. my question is how I can rid of that instalation message. I dont want to install anything. After I klick on cancel I can work in Word or Excel, but if i close applications(Word or Excel) and reopen, I'm getting the same instalation window.
  7. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    You still haven't confirmed the EXACT name of the file that's missing.

    Umm, why? If the problem involves the file Halo mentioned, you'll need to use the Office CD to let it install something or to run the Detect and Repair procedure. Apparently, you need to install some additional features that were installed during your original Office installation. Or, at least, you need to run the Detect and Repair procedure explained in the article. So, again, what's your concern about doing this?
  8. Daniela

    Daniela Private First Class

    I don't want to install anything becouse Office CD is not working . That file is damaged. (Correct name of the file is PROPLUS.MSI). I just want to cancel instalation that already began, and I'm prompt everty time when I start Word or Excel.

  9. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    I don't know what to tell you. Maybe buy Office on ebay.
  10. chookers

    chookers Staff Sergeant

    I know this thread is a little old but my guess is that if Daniela can prove to Miccrosoft's satisfaction that she does indeed own a licence for Office XP (such as CD key and Cert. of Authenticity, the purchase receipt) there is a good chance that she will be able to buy replacement disks at a nominal fee - perhaps $10 or $20, which would probably be a lot cheaper than buying a new set off eBay. If you still need a working CD, Daniela, give Microsoft a buzz and have a word to them.

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