I trid ot reinstall Internet Explorer now it doesn't work. HELP!

Discussion in 'Software' started by semenoff1948, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. semenoff1948

    semenoff1948 Private E-2

    I tried to reinstall internet explorer to fix a problem with it, but now it doesn't work at all! I went to uninstall it from add/remove programs. It didn't even completely remove internet explorer and it still appeared in the programs menu along with the shortcut. I tried to re download and allow it to install over again, and it said it couldn't complete the installation. I tried downloading older version but that didn't work.

    I need help on repairing this issue because it is a EXTREMELY vital program that or VITAL programs I have use.
  2. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    Hey semenoff, it is very difficult to actually remove IE completely, the best you can realisticly do is roll back to IE6, so that is why you are unable to get rid of it from ADD/REMOVE.

    What was the issue you where having that caused you to uninstall in the first place?
    As it is likely part of the problem.

    Also what OS, service pack do you have, and some details on your PC/Laptop wold be helpfull too.

  3. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Internet Explorer CANNOT be completely removed. Without it,Windows will not run. It is an essential part of Windows.
    If your browser is acting up, download and try a different browser.Firefox or Opera are 2 good ones.
  4. semenoff1948

    semenoff1948 Private E-2

    Thank you for all the feedback. A lot of questions to answer and respond to. I appreciate it very much. bare with me.

    Well I just told you why I wasn't able to remove it from ADD/REMOVE. I actually do not know why I am not able remove in totality honestly, which is why I am here.

    I thought I also stated my reasoning for that as well. Anyway, it was an application used by other vital programs on my computer. I went to go download an Active X control and it wouldn't allow it because of some security settings (that I don't even remember setting). While going to change these settings, I was unable to do so. There were also plugins and addons on my browser that I do not remember installing. So I figured the best solution would be just to uniinstall and reinstall internet explorer and start off fresh. That's when all the problems occurred and situation just went from bad to worse.

    I tried installing older versions but it wouldn't allow it (after I attempted to uninstall).

    Microsoft Windows XP
    Home edition
    Version 2002
    Service Pack 3

    Dell Dimension DE051
    Intel (R)
    Celeron (R) CPU 2.66GHz
    2.66 Ghz, 1.50 GB of Ram

    145 GB total size.

    I did not know that you could not completely remove Internet Explorer. That is new information to me. Actually I strictly use Mozilla firefox, which is how I am even talking to you right now. That is not the problem. The problem is I have programs that rely on internet explorer, so I need internet explorer to work regardless of which browser I use for the internet.

    Yeah what DomLuc just said lol.

    I tried that, and it still would not install. I guess addons or plugins were conflicting with it. I honestly do not know the exact reason. Which is why I am here, to find that out and fix the major problem.

    I actually use CCleaner everyday. However I never tried to use it's registry fix. Although I have recently downloaded crappy registry fix off of this website and used recently. Anyway, I just used it and it found 244 "errors".

    Nothing change. Still the same error. Also, I believed I already did registry fixes.


    Also, recently windows asked to install some updates and those failed as well.

  5. semenoff1948

    semenoff1948 Private E-2

    I have done that and still receive the same exact errors. I click internet explorer it still pop up and closes out. I try re-installing, it still fails. I have an on screen camera recorder and I know how to take pictures of my desktop. I can show you exactly the steps I am and have taken.



    And I have restarted my computer multiple times.
  6. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    Ther are known issues involved with installing/uninstalling IE8/IE7 after SP3 has been installed.

    Take a look here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/950719

    BTW, sorry about the confusion at first, i misread your post and thought you wanted to completely remove Internet Explorer entirely.

  7. semenoff1948

    semenoff1948 Private E-2

    I've been there and done that. That was one of the first things I did. Which is actually why I am here. Because after following thsoe instructions, my internet browser doesn't work at all. Then when I try to reinstall, I can't do it. What's supposed to happen is when you uninstall Ie8, it's supposed to take you back to a previous version according to the link you gave me. However, it has not done this. Yes I have also tried to install Ie7. Same thing happens and won't let me install.
  8. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    And you removed SP3 before doing this right?
  9. semenoff1948

    semenoff1948 Private E-2

    No, I don't even know what that is.
  10. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    Dude, did you go to the link i gave you?

    If you do you will see this...

    It means you have to uninstall service pack 3

    SP3 = Service Pack 3
  11. semenoff1948

    semenoff1948 Private E-2

    And now with that, my computer has the blue screen of death. Thanks a bunch. That just gave my computer the blue screen of death. It loads up, goes to desktop and then goes to blue screen of death.

    Say's subsystem has failed. Now I am reporting my problem from another computer. I am now pissed off. Because a little simple problem has turned into my whole computer malfunctioning.
  12. semenoff1948

    semenoff1948 Private E-2

    It was after. Regardless, I now have an even more major issue thanks to "~Q~'s" advice. My computer is able to log onto safe mode, and go onto internet. However, it cannot log on normally. After only a couple of minutes it goes to blue screen of death. How do I fix this? I assume reinstalling Service Pack 3. However, when I go to reinstall, it gives me the error "The requested look up key was not found in any activation context" then it says "Service pack 3 could not complete installation".

    It says I am using sp2 while in safe mode by the way. I can also give you the exact error message that loads up on the Blue Screen of death.
  13. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    Dude if i was you i would listen to DomLuc.

    And i would read things properly.

    As you dont make it easy to help you.

    Im out.

  14. semenoff1948

    semenoff1948 Private E-2

    You have got to be kidding me. I have provided my computer information thoroughly and probably unnecessarily. I have even included images, and was willing to provide video/audio of the steps I have taken. I definitely, told everyone here what I have already done. Besides Did you not say this qoute in plain English!

    You even implied it as if I missed over something and now you are retracting your statement. wtf. I just... I mean.... How the.....

    I'm not even going to debate or argue with You or Dxxxxx (With all due respect, I think that name fits you more appropriately). You both have already done and said enough. Only reason I came on here in the first place is because I thought it was a simple common problem that some one else may have had. A problem that could be solved easily. I mean, I've gotten other problems solved through forums. Those problems I had fixed through these forums I would consider much worse. Why the trouble now all of a sudden?

    Now, it has turned from a small problem into a major one. Discussing this matter even further is infuriating. Like if you all are trolling, then you all are successful. I am done taking advice from people who don't know what they are talking about, but pretend like they do. What I will do however is come up with my own solution for the problem and post it so no one else has to run into the same problems I have. So people won't have to take the wrong advice from people pretending to be experts. Hopefully it won't cost me an arm and a leg nor will I have to delete any files off my PC. Because again, I do not think it's that bad of a problem that can't be fixed without formatting. It's not as if I caught a virus.

    I'm done. I said all I have to say. Although there are some ignorant comments that just got under my skin, I will not even go back with the petty insults.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2009
  15. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    That is probably for the best really.

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