Someone Experienced In Pinterest Here?

Discussion in 'Software' started by bluenite, Nov 25, 2015.

  1. bluenite

    bluenite Private First Class

    For me, one of the very cute services of visual bookmarks has one flaw, for which I find it confusing.
    When I click on some interesting Board (no Pin), most of the recommendations in the mail, I'll get on it right at the top and I can choose "Follow board." If I do that, then appears in the list of boards on my personal page. I'm interested primarily first choice right (Boards) screen, which after a certain time are a lot and cluttered, from different areas of interest. My point is in these areas and asked whether on this page these followed boards can sort into some folders. First choice left (Topics), are similar to this option, but in a different way. They showing me mot my Boards, but different. Suggested, but not still of my interest. This arises for me confusion when I reveal unfollowed Boards. Looking for various tutorials that are for anything other than what I need.
    I hope I have described it clearly.
    thanks for any advice and personal experience
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member


    I am sorry, but your question is not very clear. I don't think the translator you used did a very good job.

    Try to ask just one question and maybe attach a screen shot of exactly which area of Pinterest you are asking about.
  3. bluenite

    bluenite Private First Class

    well Laura, english is really not my native language, but I don't think that is the issue. Is it about Pinterest priority and your point of view. Because I know that I am not only one that I want this option. See image, where I visually describe what I wrote. I need to have greater visibility in areas of interest on dozens of collected Boards to put into folders. That's all. Not in Topics, as it is conventional. Topics are recommendations from other users, not by my choice in this case. Even I am using Topics, but don't enjoy them. Maybe I cannot explain it at all. Anyway, thank you for kind responding;-)
    regards from Prague

    Attached Files:

  4. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hi...I just asked my daughter who uses Pinterest all the time and and she says there is no way to organize the area that you posted the screen cap of. The only area you can organize are for your own boards.

    Sorry, I couldn't be more help.
  5. bluenite

    bluenite Private First Class

    yes, I thought so too. nothing to sorry ;-) bb

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