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Discussion in 'Software' started by René Jongen, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. René Jongen

    René Jongen Private E-2

    Good afternoon people. I am rené and a bit iliterate on pcs but like to work with them. I have two questions and maybe somebody is willing to help me with these.
    How can i avoid the logon windows asking me every time for a password. I do not fill in a password but i always have to click OK before it goes on. I also have a computer which was to slow but OK. I bought a new one a new system VISTA. Now i want to start up the old computer,but further as the XPpro window it will not work and the person who sold me the XPpro is out of the country so i have no setup disc At that i did not know much about computers, but i do know that it was a legally sold copy, because we could always update. So that are my 2 problems, hope somebody can help me. Greetings to all of you, rené.
  2. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Read this: http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=57079 (for Windows XP; if you have Vista, I don't think this will work)
    Now, from your post I guess you have 2 computers; a new one with Vista, and an older one with XP Pro. The older one is not running correctly and you want to reload Windows, correct? If you don't have an installation CD, or at least have one you can borrow from a friend to use with your product key, there isn't much you can do.... There is a way to 'build' your own XP CD but it's fairly complicated for the not-so-savvy.....
  3. René Jongen

    René Jongen Private E-2

    Thank you really for a so quick respond. Yes I do have 2 computers,matter of factly I have another one, with 2000Pro with two setup disks (one learns) but the first the old one with XP, I did not know much about computers and all was done by the missing person. I even did not know about registrations and product keys. There is something about finding that key in one of the FAC,s, so I will check that out. Unfortunatly yhe other thing about getting rid of the userpassword control via Run did not work out, but it was really nice to get a respond anyhow. Again thank you, René.
  4. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  5. René Jongen

    René Jongen Private E-2

    Hey there, the command in the run box did not react, but in user accounts and password I did excatly what you wrote thereafter and thank it worked out just fine, greetings, René.

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