1 pc 2 diferrent audio outputs how?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Destructo, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. Destructo

    Destructo Corporal

    I want to use my stores pc to play music through the stores audio system (ran through a cheap klh reciever) but then also be able to use the pc's speakers to listen to streaming video, dvd, etc. I would use media player for the music and nero 6x for video fyi.

    Is there a way to do that simultaniously without the one bleeding into the other?

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. :major



    comp: winxp pro 768mb ram 2200+amd? onboard sound (old msi board)
  2. Goran.P

    Goran.P MajorGeek

    second audio card?
  3. Destructo

    Destructo Corporal

    But can you "sli" audio cards?
  4. Goran.P

    Goran.P MajorGeek

    no,no,no.you have onboard audiocard.I was thinking to buy another audio card and plug in one of the slots you have on the mobo.
  5. Destructo

    Destructo Corporal

    I referred to sli meaning, can 2 audio cards work simultaniously without conflicts, like sli/crossfired vid cards. Dont want to waste the money on something that might not work.

    But hopefully maybe someones tried this?confused Any sound studio guys out there?

    thanks idea Goran, I appreciate it.

    I have it all hooked up actually: ran the receiver from a splitter out the back. The pc speakers work when plugged into the headset jack in the front so I atleast have easy access to controlling which I want on. Still have to figure out the split output though.

    trudgin on!

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