2400 HSF Cont.

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Bigpapa3XL, Jan 23, 2004.

  1. Bigpapa3XL

    Bigpapa3XL Private E-2

    This is a contiuation of my previous thread. I was looking through hsf's and i have decided to go with a thermaltake volcano 12. Also what is up with that ducting mod does it really do anything or is it something else to make money? I also am going to use as5.

    Out of all the AS's which one performs the best? I have read many reviews on AS3. all saying it was the best. I really dont know. To me Artic Silver is the top of the line past. I think i am going with the 5 unless some one advises me not to.

    Thanks for clearing up the thing about shims. It is not woth the extra 3$.

    Back to the original question about the thermaltake products. I want to get a Hardcano 12 to control all seven of my fans, but the thermaltake websight does not say when it is going to be released. Does any one know?

    Also i have an xfx mobo. Are there any monitoring programs that are compatable with what i got?

    When i am all done i will post some pics of my mod. It is stll not there yet but i plan on doing some cool stuff. Thanks for all your help!

    Last edited: Jan 23, 2004
  2. steve Max

    steve Max Private First Class

    Stick with as3. I did a test with antec reference (pretty much the same as as3) and as5. The as5 is harder to apply because it is so thick and sticky. The temp are pretty much the same. As3 is alot easier to apply, took me a couple of trys for the as5.

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