2nd hardrive as extra memory?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Bizkut, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. Bizkut

    Bizkut Private E-2

    So I have two hardisks installed on my computer.
    The one I maily use is a WDC WD64AA [aka C:] It has 5.99GB capacity with 4.94GB being used. I have tried all means possible of freeing up space except buying memory freeing software and have only free up to 1.04GB. So I am wondering if I could use my other hardisk, which is a FUJITSU MPA3035AT-CL [aka E:] with 2.95GB capacity, as kind of extra memory space that way I actually have 3.99GB available.
    Is there any way it can be used in this fashion along with the C:?
  2. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Hi and welcome to MajorGeeks.

    You can run one hard drive as a master, and one as a slave.

    That's assuming your case can accomodate two or more hard drives, most can.

    To get some more space from the drives, regardless of the amount, try something like CCleaner, as well as your own disk cleanup.

    BTW, don't confuse hard drive space with memory. Two different things.
  3. Bizkut

    Bizkut Private E-2

    ive used the CCleaner, and disk cleanups...
    How would I turn my secondary hard disk into the slave, im fairly sure its already done anyway.
    I appreciate the speedy response to my post.
  4. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Not sure if we're understanding each other.

    Is the second hard drive installed and in use?
  5. Bizkut

    Bizkut Private E-2

    yes it is
  6. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Well, not much you can do, unless you want to delete some files to free up space.

    Hard drive space is storage space. It has nothing to do with memory, which is RAM.

    What are you trying to achieve?
  7. Bizkut

    Bizkut Private E-2

    I was trying to use my E: to store program files. I want to be able to load all my games to the E:, so that I can play them without taking up space on my C:
  8. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Well, if E: is empty, why can't you install your games to it?

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