90-100% CPU time by Hardware Interrupt

Discussion in 'Software' started by Attila, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. Attila

    Attila Private E-2


    I repost this because maybe this way is cleaner..

    My HDD is too slow. 2.5 MB/sec
    I got Process Explorer anf find that Hardware Interrupt is taking 90-100% CPU time any time there is a HDD activity.


    Asus A8V-VM mothrboard,
    AMD athlon 64 4000
    1 GB mem
    WD 320 GB hdd

    Particion 0: Windows XP - hungarian
    Particion 1: Windows XP - english

    and for testing:
    (Particion 2: Windows XP - Spare)
    (Particion 3: Windows XP - Linux SUSE)

    Using Roadkil's Disk Speed for testing the HDD speed.

    Story so far:

    I had happily my new system with two partition (hungarian and english XP)
    Once it crashed while copied a DVD vith NERO 6

    Since then the HDD slown down and CPU usage went up.

    To find out what happend I made the followings:

    - Uninstalled NERO
    - Restarted in Safe Mode
    - Stopped all stoppable services, programs with Task Manager/Process Explorer
    - Disabled the USB in the BIOS
    Made no difference.

    - Took out the HDD and connected via USB to an other machine: 15 MB/s !!!
    - Put back the HDD, innstalled Linux on it : Normal speed !!! (just copiing a 300 MB file, took 5 sec)
    - Installing an other XP (Spare) Normal speed 15 MB/sec...

    It looks that:

    The HDD is OK
    The IDE is OK

    I guess there is something in the older XP installation create some extreme IRQ requests while access the HDD.

    But... What ?

    The question is not really just reinstaling XP....
    Because it can happening again, so I would like your help to, find the rout of the problem.

    Thank you in advance !!!
  2. Wavetar

    Wavetar Sergeant

    For everyone's info, the other thread is here:


    Attila, did you try the system file check or repair install as I last suggested? It does appear to me a native XP system file has become corrupted & requires replacement.
  3. Attila

    Attila Private E-2


    Thanks for your response.

    Yes, i have tryed to repare the XP, but was no success.

    I had two concern:

    1.) Maybe I am not up to it, but the XP repair only could see 1 installation, instead of 3... I do not remember what it was, but I aborted the repair.
    I already lost the Linux multiboot option, because of that, and I did not wanted to loose any of the XP-s or getting into more boot problems.

    2.) I do not have yet important info on that PC, but I am trying to set it up for a heavy duty workhorse. So what is important is to KNOW what is a problem, so when it comes back, I can deal with it, preferably without reinstalling XP if possible.

    I would like carry on to narrow down the problem, and understand it.

    By researching on the web, on other forums, i have already seen 10-15 similar problems, by searching "100% cpu time" and Process explorer.
    Suggestions were tryed from turning off Windows auto update to disable USB in BIOS .... Many in laptops, others blaming antivirus SW....

    I guess it is an unfortunate XP conflict with something...

    I hope I can count on your further help

    Thanks again.

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