A basic Question about file locations

Discussion in 'Software' started by mrrobbev, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. mrrobbev

    mrrobbev Private E-2

    I have windows XP SP2
    I was looking around different folders today and noticed several folders
    inside my hard drive folder C drive.
    It was my thought this should only have
    basic windows folders,shortcuts to hardware ETC.
    Not things like "my games" folder
    Also a folder titled "my downloads" that contains what are described as secured installer files.
    My question is does it matter, or make any differance that these are
    on the disk C proper instead of inside say "program files" folder?
    Any advice would be helpfull
    Rob B.
  2. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Yeah... what you have is 'normal' if there is such a thing as a normal PC. The 'My Downloads' was created by either a download manager type of application, or by a program you actually downloaded and installed. It probably contains setup files for various downloaded programs, or maybe music, or whatever you have downloaded. Again, 'My Games' was similarly created by a game (probably an online game or something like Yahoo Games). I wouldn't worry abut it too much. If the folder are taking up lots of space, and if the hard drive is running out of space, and you don't want/need whatever is in these folder, you can probably remove 'em. If you think there's a some malware in the folders, scan 'em with your favorite anti-malware program... also, read this info, it may be helpful: http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=106650

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