A very strange problem with Desktop iCalendar Lite

Discussion in 'Software' started by Corn_Sword, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Corn_Sword

    Corn_Sword Private E-2

    So, I recently bought a masterkey 49 midi keyboard by Acorn. After plugging it in, all my audio turned into a single, strange, slow static sound as though my computer were playing it cut up and in slow motion. So I attempted to reinstall some drivers, which did nothing. Then I did a system restore which fixed the problem. Then I noticed that my Desktop iCalendar Lite wasn't working. Whenever I try to run it, i get this error: "Init Error: Root Element Missing.." (yes, with two periods). I've tried re-installing it, downloading a different version, and doing another system restore, none of which has fixed the problem. I also cannot find anything about it on Google. Can someone please help me get my calendar back, so I can schedule my life?
  2. GreenUser

    GreenUser Private E-2

    Cause: A file in the desksware folder is corrupt [C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\desksware]. This folder remains even after uninstalling.

    Solution: To resolve the error firstly, uninstall the Desktop iCalendar Lite program. Secondly, go to [C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\] and delete the Desksware folder. Thirdly, then reinstall the program and launch.

    Note: keep a backup of the Desksware folder before deleting if you have vital events and birthdays marked on Desktop iCalendar Lite already. You can simply retrieve the .ics files and re-upload afterward.
  3. Corn_Sword

    Corn_Sword Private E-2

    Thank you for your suggestion! I'll certainly try that out.

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