Acer chromebook super slow

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by bobothebionicmonkey, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. bobothebionicmonkey

    bobothebionicmonkey Private First Class

    Okay so my sister bought a Acer C7 Chromebook.
    The specs are
    Intel 847 processor
    2GB DDR3 memory
    and a 16 GB SSD

    She gets it home and it is slow to do anything, no matter what she tries to do (open a web page, access the chrome drive, or just open a simple document) it takes a good minute or more(mostly more) to load anything. When she finally gets to her email or the google drive anything she tries to open never really opens it just stalls with the little google circle emblem spinning around. She searched for a way of fixing this so that it will move as fast as people say it should be going, and was told that updating would fix the problem. It did not. We have several computers in the house and one of them has lower stats than this chromebook and it loads things faster than the chromebook. I can't figure out how a completely new product can be this slow with common computer activities, that it was supposedly built for.

    is there any help that you guys can give me to get this thing working the way it is supposed to? I can't figure this out.
  2. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Not much you can do to fix a Chrome Book. It runs a OS built mainly for on the go. The big question is, is what does show when you run it at your place on her Chromebook, or at her's.

    What is the Internet package that she is paying for, and where all has she used it at, that she is getting the same results, when connecting to Google Docs, under her username.

    Personally I would have her return it, and get a Netbook with a 64gb SSD installed it, if she is going to be keeping things up in the "cloud", not on the machine.

    Now of course, the good thing is, that Ubuntu can be installed on these machines. See http://***********.com/gadgets/2012/12/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-acers-199-c7-chromebook/
  3. bobothebionicmonkey

    bobothebionicmonkey Private First Class

    My family lives in one house, so when she gets home I'll have her run a test at I'm not sure if she would be cool with the ubuntu thing, she's agitated enough with it it that If we can't get it working the way she wants she is just going to return it. Thanks for you tips.
  4. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Also go to and post the results. Also try rebooting the modem & router/access point in the house, to see if that fixes things. Chrome books are really nothing more than a regular computer, but running a OS that is specific for the use of the machine.

    They really are not meant more than to just web browse, email, on the go light documents. Not meant to be off the network so to speak. Really the Chrome books have not gotten any better than when they were introduced; other than the manufacturers are now using better hardware, then when they were introduced.

    As for Ubuntu, show it to her, and that it has better options, that the biggest one is, that she does not have to always be connected to a network. Also has more options software wise; not locked into Google's choice.

    For the price she paid, she really would have been off better with the Netbook. The reviews are not very good for the machine, so she is not alone in that she is stating that it was a poor choice. I would say that if it is within the 30 days, have her return it, and go with maybe the Acer Aspire One, or even get a budget laptop through Toshiba Direct. Their prices on the AMD CPU units, like the C850d are around $350 now, but it is what I and my son use, and work really well.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2013

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