Acrobat doesn't work from toolbar

Discussion in 'Software' started by Rise22, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. Rise22

    Rise22 Private E-2

    My Acrobat USED to convert whenever I'd click the little symbol at the top of my I have to go TO my Acrobat link in my Programs Menu, open it, and copy and paste the link into the browse window and tell it to bring up that page....what a pain! Why doesn't it just work from the toolbar like it used to?
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    You are missing some info that people need to help you:
    1. What version of Windows?
    2. What version of Acrobat?
    3. What browser?
  3. Rise22

    Rise22 Private E-2

    Ahhh...yes....the rest of the information is necessary...sorry about that!

    I am using Windows XP Pro - have for years. And Acrobat USED to work - up until about 6 months ago....seems about the same time I can't sign OUT of my Hotmail without some annoying error message that says I didn't - but THAT is another thread, eh?

    I have IE 8 and Acrobat Professional 7. Everything worked fine - I'm wondering if it wasn't some latest, greatest update from Microsoft - like the SuperPack 3 or something else.

    And Acrobat STILL works fine if I go get it, open it and paste the URL into it. THEN, it brings in the just won't do it from the top toolbar with a click like it used to. Nor can I highlight something on a page, right click, and tell Acrobat to get that section, etc.

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