ad.yieldmanager tracking cookie problem

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by ivorystar, Oct 1, 2009.

  1. ivorystar

    ivorystar Private E-2

    Hi there.

    I run Spybot weekly and try to maintain a clean PC. Lately my Spybot shows a tracking cookie and I can't seem to get rid of it. It is the cookie.

    I have seen another post in the malware forum ("Re: help") with a similar problem, but it is slightly old. Is this what I should do also, or is there a new solution?

    Thanks so much (you guys are awesome).

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Do you have URL Assistant installed? Check your add/remove list. Uninstall it if you do.
  3. ivorystar

    ivorystar Private E-2

    No, Tim, Url Assistant does not show up in my add/remove app. Thanks for asking though.

  4. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    This is not truely malware. You need to run CCleaner as well as remove all internet explorer cache items. .

    You may also want to read the below thread where yieldmanager was also discussed.

    ad.yieldmanager removal

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