Adobe Plugin staling my net connection?

Discussion in 'Software' started by robert707, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. robert707

    robert707 Corporal

    At the end of June I got an update alert for my adobe flash on firefox and installed it. Right away the sites I would go to with streaming video (youtube, gametrailers, G4) would load slowly. Sometimes all the video windows went gray and had this Plugin malfunction message in it. (forget exactly what it said). Web surfing got much slower too.

    I found this "plugin-container.exe" in the task list which was talking up allot of resources so I assumed that was new and googled it...I found a help thread that told someone to:

    "type About:config in the address bar, filter for dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npswf32.dll and change that to false. Flash will run in the program proper."

    After doing that the Plugin container was gone in the task menu but... allot of the symptoms didn't go away. No more plugin crashes but web pages where loading so sluggishly and videos loading so much slower. Then my gmail started telling me there was something wrong with my net connection. Finally the connection started going even slower...recently pages half load or just time out.

    The timing of it all suggests that either the plugin or the thing it did to try and fix it is somehow the problem. But I don't know how my plugin manager could effect my connection performance so I wonder if it's something else?

    Sorry for quoting another forum but because I got bad advice on a forum I don't trust I thought I'd ask here 'cause this is where I always get things fixed.

    Windows XP SP3
    Pentium Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz
    2 GB ram
    Realtek RTL8139/810x Ehternet NIC
    D-link wired router
    DSL connection

    Just bought the PC in February and it's been running like a dream until this. So there's little build up of other software.
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    I would do a full uninstall of Adobe Flash and then re-install again and before using any flash enabled site do the changes to Firefox (Fx) config.

    Then if still not working try Fx in its Safe Mode (found in the Start > All Programs Firefox/Mozilla Folder and see if general websurfing is ok, to this end also try Internet Explorer out and see if its the same.

    If still the same, then hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and look down the list to see if you have an entry called Chrome.exe, if you do highlight it/them and choose End Task and is your internet any quicker, I have found that some sites are using this add-one from google and its causing slowness in browsing for some, even if you dont have Chrome the Browser installed, some sites install a container of Chrome.exe.

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