Advantages Of Windows Vista Over XP?

Discussion in 'Software' started by HasSanK, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. HasSanK

    HasSanK Specialist

    I was just wondering what the advantages of Windows Vista were over XP as I currently have Windows XP installed but am thinking of purchasing Windows Vista (Ultimate Edition).

    I've no idea what the benefits of upgrading to Windows Vista are so would appreciate knowing about them.

    I use my PC mostly for gaming so would using Windows Vista have any positive impact on my gaming experience?

    Also, if I were to install Windows Vista:

    A) Would I lose all my data that is installed on Windows XP?

    B) If I didn't lose all my data would everything I have installed at the moment be compatible with Vista?

    C) If I wanted to uninstall it and revert back to Windows XP would it be possible? I only ask because I bought this PC with Windows XP already installed but I didn't receive a Windows XP installation CD.


  2. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Here's a chart of the upgrade/clean install paths available. Can't help you with gaming and yes, some of your current programs may not work. You'll have to do some research. There's also peripheral problems for lack of drivers, like my HP scanner and printer. You should also make sure your PC is up to snuff by running Upgrade Advisor plus there's other good info there. I'll personally wait before jumping in.

  3. akhilles

    akhilles First Sergeant

    A) Would I lose all my data that is installed on Windows XP?

    No, if you choose to install it over XP: upgrade. Yes, if you choose to do a clean install. Depends on where your data is, I assume it's on the same driver as XP.

    B) If I didn't lose all my data would everything I have installed at the moment be compatible with Vista?

    No one can guarantee that. Quite a number of people are already running vista beta.

    C) If I wanted to uninstall it and revert back to Windows XP would it be possible? I only ask because I bought this PC with Windows XP already installed but I didn't receive a Windows XP installation CD.

    Should be, but I can't be sure. During install, there should be an option for backing up XP so that you can roll back to XP.

    sys. req.

    new features

    I must say that Vista won't please everyone. Especially those who have a library of music & videos on their pcs. Vista will have much better digital right management (DRM) which controls what you can see.

    However, Vista will have DirectX 10 which is an improvement over 9. Gamers will no doubt be switching to Vista & getting a DX10 video card like gf8800gts/gtx which cost around 500 us.

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