Adware, Worms, and Virus - Followed Guide, Logs here

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by swest, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. swest

    swest Private E-2


    I wanted to thank you for such a thorough guide. I ran though all the steps and haven't done a recheck on any of the scans since I want to go exactly in order per your guide.

    One problem that I couldn't shake before trying the guide was Virtumonde among others. I am also still having a desktop background issue with it wanting to put the blue screen behind my standard desktop wallpaper. I have a custom image on that and it is definately messed up.

    Anyway, I am humble and grateful for the help and will now attach my logs. I haven't toggled system restore yet because I am still having the background issue and am nervous at least one other is still hanging around. So I wanted to wait on that final step pending your input.

    I will make a second post for the remaining logs. Thanks again!


    Attached Files:

  2. swest

    swest Private E-2

    The remaining logs for GetRunKey, ShowNew and HijackThis.

    I also haven't deleted any of the programs/downloads recommended in your guide. I am in standard boot mode.


    Attached Files:

  3. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Run HijackThis (select Do a system scan only) and select the following lines but DO NOT CLICK FIX until you exit all browser sessions including the one you are reading in right now:

    After clicking fix, exit HJT.

    Now Copy the bold text below to notepad. Save it as fixME.reg to your desktop. Be sure the "Save as" type is set to "all files" Once you have saved it double click it and allow it to merge with the registry.
    Now download The Avenger by Swandog469, and save it to your Desktop.

    * Extract avenger.exe from the Zip file and save it to your desktop
    * Run avenger.exe by double-clicking on it.
    * Check the 'Input script manually' box.
    * Click on the magnifying glass icon.
    * Copy everything in the Quote box below, and paste it in the box that opens:

    * Now click the 'Done' button.
    * Click on the traffic light icon and OK the prompt.
    * You will be prompted to restart, OK the prompt and your PC should reboot, if not, reboot it yourself.
    * A log file from Avenger will be produced at C:\avenger.txt

    Attach new logs for:
  4. swest

    swest Private E-2

    Ok, I have run everything you indicated. I realize this may be a minor problem but I am still have the desktop issue. All my icons are highlighted which is the result of having a wallpaper and (I think) the windows blue wallpaper competing with each other.

    Anyway, thanks again for you support, attached are the logs for your review.


    Attached Files:

  5. swest

    swest Private E-2

    Hijack This log

    Attached Files:

  6. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Run HJT and have it fix this item:
    O2 - BHO: (no name) - {6884336C-2D8E-4347-ACE3-C3DE11C8FE96} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\geede.dll (file missing)

    Go to start / run / type "regedit" without quotes and scroll to this key and tell me what is behind the two items :

    "InstallTheme"= ?
    "InstallVisualStyle"= ?
  7. swest

    swest Private E-2

    Took care of the Hijack fix. Not sure why it didn't do it the first time.

    On the look-up, here is what I think you want.

    Name, Type, Data

    InstallTheme, REG_EXPAND_SZ, %ResourceDIR%\themes\Luna.theme
    InstallVisualStyle, REG_EXPAND_SZ, %ResourceDir%\thmes\Luna\Luna.msstyles

    Is that what you were looking for? I also ran another logfile for Hijack if you wanted it.



    Attached Files:

  8. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Is that not the theme that you want? What is the background set to? This sounds like something that may better be addressed in the software section.

    Your logs look clean. You may uninstall any programs we had you download (including CounterSpy, etc).

    If you are not having any other malware problems, it is time to do our final steps:

    1. If we used Pocket Killbox during your cleanup, do the below
    * Run Pocket Killbox and select File, Cleanup, Delete All Backups
    2. If we used ComboFix you can delete the ComboFix.exe file and associated C:\combofix.txt log that was created.
    3. If we user SDFix you can delete all the SDFix related files and folders from your Desktop or whereever you installed it.
    4. If we used VundoFix, you can delete the VundoFix.exe file and the C:\VundoFix Backups folder and C:\vundofix.txt log that was created.
    5. If we had your run FixWareOut, you can delete the Fixwareout.exe file and the C:\fixwareout folder.
    6. If we had you download any registry patches like fixme.reg or fixWLK.reg (or any others), you can delete these files now.
    7. You can delete the ShowNew.Zip and GetRunkey.Zip files and the files that you extracted from the ZIP files. You can also delete the C:\newfiles.txt and C:\runkeys.txt logs that were created
    8. If you are running Windows XP or Windows ME, do the below:
    * go back to step 8 of the READ & RUN ME to Disable System Restore which will flush your Restore Points.
    * Then reboot and Enable System Restore to create a new clean Restore Point.
    9. After doing the above, you should work thru the below link:
    * How to Protect yourself from malware!
  9. swest

    swest Private E-2

    I will look into the challenge on my desktop. It all started when my desktop was turned blue by something. When I rebooted, my wallpaper loaded over it but then everything I have on the desktop looks highlighted.

    I am not sure what bug this is, but it is the only thing left on my challenge. I haven't scanned again with spybot or anything. I need to follow the steps for deleting the software I downloaded and all that.

    I really want to thank you for your time and expertise. I was in a real jam and it seems that every problem but the wallpaper is taken care of. So, thank you, thank you, thank you!

  10. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    No problem...glad to help.

    If it is a custom wallpaper ...try removing it and resetting the background. Right click the desktop / properties / set the background to none / check the web tab and make sure it is not checked (Show web content) / check the effects tab for those settings and then see if you can re-apply your wallpaper.

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