
Discussion in 'Software' started by jujubeeskittles, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. jujubeeskittles

    jujubeeskittles Private E-2

    so this game was just released a couple days ago, i havnt played yet due to this problem, i get a apphangb1 everytime i hit the play button to launch the game, it just keeps loading.... then when i close it i get the apphangb1 error. so unfortunately ncsoft-> maker of the game, doesnt have a solution as always since this is just 1 of the issues they have no answer for. anyone have any suggestions on how to get around apphangb1 issue?:cry
  2. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Details, young padawan, details.

    What's your operating system? Since it's an MMO, what are your connection details? And that includes firewalls and other security apps on your system.

    What's the exact error message? Also, is your hardware up to running this game?

    We'll do our best to help you, you just have to give us something to work with. :)
  3. jujubeeskittles

    jujubeeskittles Private E-2

    ok heres the error i get:
    Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
    Application Name: aion.bin
    Application Version: 1.9.915.1723
    Application Timestamp: 4aaf3d0f
    Hang Signature: e49b
    Hang Type: 2561
    OS Version: 6.0.6002.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Hang Signature 1: c31524f3062d1e5c47a4c4b2596dc177
    Additional Hang Signature 2: 68ba
    Additional Hang Signature 3: e10c02ff5abfb6b8ed123dc1b31c0481
    Additional Hang Signature 4: e49b
    Additional Hang Signature 5: c31524f3062d1e5c47a4c4b2596dc177
    Additional Hang Signature 6: 68ba
    Additional Hang Signature 7: e10c02ff5abfb6b8ed123dc1b31c0481

    Read our privacy statement:

    compaq presario cq50-107nr laptop
    Microprocessor 1.90 GHz AMD Athlon X2 QL-60 Dual-Core Processor
    Microprocessor Cache 1 MB L2 Cache
    Memory 2048 MB
    Memory Max Up to 3GB DDR2
    Video Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 8200M
    Video Memory Up to 895 MB
    Hard Drive 120 GB (5400 rpm)
  4. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Hm. After a quick trip to google, this doesn't seem to be Aion-specific... it happens to all sorts of people, most of whom seem to be using IE7. (Are you?) Have you made any changes to your system, other than installing the game?

    Does completely uninstalling and reinstalling the game make a difference?
  5. jujubeeskittles

    jujubeeskittles Private E-2

    no i have ie8
  6. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Okay. Now, about the other two questions...? :)
  7. jujubeeskittles

    jujubeeskittles Private E-2

    oh sorry i misunderstood, i have windows vista 32bit using the latest ie8 not 7, ok this is what i done, i disabled all addons, which didnt work by the way, it didnt launch the game. so i then uninstalled my antivirus which didnt work either, i still have the apphangb1
  8. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    In that case, definitely put your antivirus back on so you can keep your computer protected.

    Try to right-click on the game in NCLauncher and repair it. Also try a reinstall of Aion if repair doesn't work.

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