AMD vs Intel, new PC to buy, advice

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by pintree3, Jan 18, 2006.

  1. pintree3

    pintree3 Private E-2

    Hi, :)
    It is time for me to by a new PC and I am not sure whether I should go with AMD or Intel. And, if I should wait a few months for the new chips to come in. Should I wait?
    I know the answer to AMD/Intel depends on what I use my PC for and my budget. Here goes.
    In order of importance I use my PC for this:
    1. Internet: surfing, email and downloading (P2P): Often all 3 at the same time.
    2. Microsoft Word / Photoshop: Often while doing 1 or 2 of the above.
    3. Games: Sporadic—I’ll play for 5 hours a day for 3 weeks and then not play for 2 months (Usually prefer games like Thief, Tombraider and the like)
    4. I intend to get into video editing as well, but this will not b a common task.
    My budget: I want a DVD-rw drive and also 2Gig of RAM, and going to the CPU question I can not afford the high-end CPUs. I am thinking middle-end to lower. Can anyone give me any advice to my choices for CPU (including if I should wait a few months or not)? My PC will not be a name brand--no Dell, Compaq or what-have-you but an OEM that the store will build.

    Thank you
  2. ACE 256

    ACE 256 MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Overclocking Expe

    AMD is cheaper at the same performance level then Intel......So 2 CPUs at the same price from AMD and intel the AMD one will be a good bit faster......Put simply get AMD ;)..
  3. pintree3

    pintree3 Private E-2

    Thank you
    Wow your wonderfully quick.
    I asked the question because, according to my research AMD is better for gaming but not necessarily for Photshop user or multi-tasking (I'm assuming this means doing more than 1 thing at a time).
    What do you think?
  4. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    AMD is getting heat from Intel in the performance department. Their newest dual core mobile CPU is running neck to neck with the AMD X2 CPUs, and its only at 2ghz.

    As for prices...we'll have to see when/if they are released for the desktop.
  5. ACE 256

    ACE 256 MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Overclocking Expe

    I was talking about single core CPUs. I have no clue about dual core performance and prices i havent stayed up to date like i should be :rolleyes:........
  6. pintree3

    pintree3 Private E-2

    Single core / dual core: Yes have read on this but don't know much, hence having asked the other question, which is, Should I wait a few months? (And by few I only mean 2 or 3 hopefully not more).
  7. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    I like my Intel, but AMD rules in speed right now. Please buy the Athlon XP, NOT the FX-57 (fx-60, etc) series because the XP is dual core which you will benefit from with what your doing.
  8. QuickSilver

    QuickSilver Corporal

    If you wait a few months you can almost guaruntee that you'll be able to get the max spec PC you can afford now for cheaper, or a better spec PC.
    Wait a few months more and the same will apply... The depreciation rate for components like these seems to be more severe when they are at the bleeding edge, drop off substantially in the short term (when superceded) and then gradually become cheaper.
    Since you don't plan on getting top of the line I would suggest 'buy now', otherwise you'll never do it...

    It strikes me that a mid-spec PC at the moment will do all the tasks you want except play the latest and greatest games. If you're as happy with games that have been out a while then you'll be fine.
  9. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    My AMD athlon runs Photoshop better than my Intel ever did :)

    I multi-task all the time on it (yes - several applications running at once).

  10. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    New socket types are due for release in the next few months, from both AMD and Intel.

    I think you would be better off waiting till then.

    No point getting a socket at the end of it's life, even if it's still supported.
  11. pintree3

    pintree3 Private E-2

    Thanks a million to all of you. Love all your avatars as well-should I use one as well? Hmm!
    Insomniac, a question if I may, you said,
    "New socket types are due for release in the next few months, from both AMD and Intel."
    I read somewhere that this would be in June, which is a long time. Do you believe it will be sooner? If yes, from what source?

    Thanks again
  12. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    I respectfully disagree while agreeing. There is always a new chip coming out. Its a matter of when you want to buy, so that said, someone not in a hurry could go for it after that release. Case in point, AMD launched the FX-60 last week, so FX-57, etc should drop in price.
  13. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    I understand MA and agree with what you are saying, but this isn't just a new chip, it's a new socket and design, and support for DDR2 (AMD).

    This should mean a decent performance boost with AMD as they don't rely on the chipset for the memory controller. (That also means new motherboards etc)

    It would be silly to wait just because there is a new chip, and as you said, you can play that game forever and never get a new PC.

    Obviously this is a personal decision. I'm waiting till mid-year, but I wouldn't crusify anyone for buying now.

    There is no right and wrong answer.
  14. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Yes, you make a good point :) I guess I have been hearing about the next new chip being the next big thing a bit long. Ofcourse, if it comes true, the current chips should drop in price huge.
  15. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    I'm probably expecting too much, but I'm hoping it will all coincide with the release of Vista.

    That would be great, and fit together nicely, but the more I think about it, the less likely it appears.

    This industry isn't exactly renowned for keeping deadlines.

    Performance wise, there probably won't be enough to justify the wait, but as you say, one of the benefits is that hopefully the current top of the line hardware will be dramatically slashed.

    I can almost see my FX-57 or X2 4800+ idling. :)

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