Are Outlook and IE security risks?

Discussion in 'Software' started by dc47, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. dc47

    dc47 Private E-2

    I'm new to the Windows environment and it's security problems (20+ years on DOS and 1 on Mac machines). Two well-informed computer-professional friends who are advising me on what software to use differ considerably on whether MS IE and Outlook are such security risks that it would be wise to use an alternative browser and email software package right from the start as I go up the Windows learning curve.

    I'd appreciate the advice of those here with greater experience with browsers and email software.
  2. Kodo


    If OE is setup properly and the user is aware of possible viral infections from emails with attachments that were sent from unknown sources then I think it's fine to use. Others disagree. The majority of the problems with email stem from people opening attachments from uknown sources.

    As for IE, well, the recent flaw in IE had me move to a new browser literally overnight. That one was is the most un-settling one yet. With SP2 on the horizon, we should see a marked improvment in the secuirty of the OS an of OE and IE.

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