Are ther chkdsk logs to view???

Discussion in 'Software' started by Dekade, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    Today, upon startup, Win 7 Pro 'automatically' went into a Chkdsk. I did notice yesterday that a program icon on the desktop was a Windows default icon rather than the program's icon. HOWEVER, the program did still start.

    So, what I am wondering is this: When chkdsk ran this morning would it have left a file/log anywhere to show what it did while it ran? As I watched it I could see that it repaired a lot of files (maybe around 30); but, I could not tell what because it ran so quickly.

    There are not any VPN providers on the computer at this time or anything of that nature. Win Patrol is on the computer. Avast anti virus.

    Need some guidance here.

    Wondering if this thing is getting close to a crash????

    Thanks, Dekade
  2. Dekade

    Dekade Sergeant

    Thanks JoeRay12,

    That's the kind of input I was looking for. What causes chkdsk to want to kick into gear in the first place? Anything in particular?
  3. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    When Windows detects system files may need to be repaired, it will scedule a chkdsk at the next startup.

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