
Discussion in 'Software' started by Publius, May 5, 2005.

  1. Publius

    Publius Sergeant

    Well, I held it off as long as I could, but I have now fallen victim to what so many others before me have... BluePickle has passed me in the team stats. :eek: Congratulations on you quick progress and keep it up!!

  2. roguetrip

    roguetrip Private E-2

    Don't feel bad, i'm falling from 22 and now 24, about to be 25th spot soon :( guess i should get the newest version and tweak it
  3. Bluepickle

    Bluepickle Major Folder

    Thanks Publius, but I'm actually aiming for CP. lol
    @ my current rate I shold pass him sometime in feb of 2009.....[​IMG]
    I guess you gotta set longterm goals huh?

    Just found out this week puters @ work are leaving in September, hopefully to be replaced by something better, but who knows. Gonna go full bore adding them over the next few weeks to glean as much as possible before they leave though.

    Don't worry mew2, I haven't forgotten about you, just haven't gotten around to adding any more in a while.[​IMG]
  4. Nitrowing

    Nitrowing Specialist

    Looks like Bluepickle's going to have me in the next 2 weeks too..! :(
    There I was, having a mild tussle with martinch only to get blown out of the water from a rocket from below :eek:
  5. martinch

    martinch Specialist

    Its all about the folding NITROWING we are doing good points wise and got some competition going, thats what its all about [​IMG] !!!!! [​IMG]
  6. noprob

    noprob Corporal

    and now look from below ObiDon

    doing sum serious Folding... :D [48th. place at this posting] :eek:

    must be the newer version type "rocket"?
  7. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    wow -- ObiDon is crankin'

    My goal is to take over rmsubasic before I get over taken by the rest of y'all. ;)
  8. noprob

    noprob Corporal

    and another and another sneakin' by,slowly but surely... :D

    dang hope my Athlon 1,000MHz hurries up and gets here. :eek:
  9. noprob

    noprob Corporal

  10. rmsubasic

    rmsubasic XP-38 Spacemodulator

    Grats on your upcoming pass! I will try to keep up my end as the downtrodden underdog as I try to scratch my way back to the top!

  11. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    I have every chip I can find running to catch you -- heck I even think I loaded folding on an old TI calculator --- Not sure if it will hold up. ;)
  12. i_wanna_corndog

    i_wanna_corndog Specialist

    Bwahahahaha! I am coming from behind! Circuit City just got a wireless network with internet installed, and my boss let me put folding on all the display notebooks! :mad: :mad: :mad: *foams at mouth* Watch out guys!
  13. noprob

    noprob Corporal

    Congratulations!!! i_wanna_corndog
    [​IMG]geek till it MHz[​IMG]
    I shall continue folding with what I have and spread the word and hopefully continue to recruit folders to our "fold" here.
  14. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

  15. ObiDon

    ObiDon Private E-2

    Way to go i_wanna_corndog !!!
    I'm going to have to find some more processors if I'm going to stay ahead.[​IMG]
  16. mew2

    mew2 Sergeant Major

    did you see the newbie :D in the the top 20 producers? team player :D :D :D
  17. Bluepickle

    Bluepickle Major Folder

    Holy Moly!!!

    Looks like I dropped a few notches on the old top producers list while out of the loop!!

    Congrats guys, keep up the good work!!

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