asus gx 1008B V3 switch

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by WEEPEE, Mar 15, 2015.


    WEEPEE Private E-2

    Can some one tell me the correct power supply for this unit? Purchased online locally and supplied with a power supply. Unit quit working after about 30 minutes. The power supply was quite warm. The specs call for 9V at 500 ma. The guy supplied with a 9V 200 ma, positive on the pin. I'm wondering if the polarity is at least correct. I know the PS given is under rated by less than half. Of course the a$%^&* won't stand behind his sale.

    All searches turn up 9V, 500ma but none show the polarity.

  2. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire


    WEEPEE Private E-2

    What I was worried about was wrong polarity which might ruin the switch. It did work however. I have another old supply which is 450 ma from a phone but I have to change the connector and reverse the polarity.


    WEEPEE Private E-2

    OK switched to the other power supply from my junk box and the Ethernet switch is working. This supply is still slightly under rated but will see how this works going forward.

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