ATI Video Driver will not install

Discussion in 'Software' started by Smartslug, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. Smartslug

    Smartslug Private First Class

    ATI Radeon 64mb 7000 series :) :eek:

    the driver worked fine before my Windows XP installation repair. I tried everything to fix it like uninstall everything about ATI, and then attempted to install it agian. The installation went fine, but when i needed to restart my computer, there came up an error message saying:

    The ATI Control Panel failed to intiialize because no ATI dirver is installed. or ATI driver is not working properly. The ATI Contol Panel will now exit. :eek:

    Please help me, the driver worked PERFECTLY FINE before my windows installation repair.
  2. belama

    belama Private E-2

    You installed the most recent drivers (version 5.7 of drivers)? Dont forget to restart the PC before re-installing anything.
  3. Fleabus

    Fleabus Private First Class

    Hi Smartslug:

    Until you have your ATI drivers and the proper .NET version working properly,
    stay away from the CCC driver package and use the cp package version.

    Since I've used ATI cards, I have followed this and no problems:

    Changing ATI Drivers

    1. Start >Control Panel >Add or Remove Programs >ATI Control Panel >Remove.
    2. Do not Restart when prompted.
    3. ATI Display Driver >Remove.
    4. Restart when prompted.
    5. Upon return to Desktop in Windows Standard display drivers, cancel offer to install drivers.
    6. Start >Run >browse to where you downloaded the new ATI Catalyst driver package and run it.
    If the above doesn’t work out, download this util: ATI Catalyst uninstaller Utilities >Various >CATALYST – ATI Maintenace Utilities > cat-uninstaller.exe This will clean your system of any ATI software along with any remnants that could be causing problems.
    Use it instead of steps 1, 2 and 3 above; then continue with steps 4, 5 and 6.

    Happy trailz,

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