ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser? (Pale Moon)

Discussion in 'Software' started by dlb, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    On today's MajorGeeks front page, we have PaleMoon Project which is (as far as I can tell) identical to Firefox except that it truly is faster. I immediately noticed a difference after installing it and surfing. The GUI and options are all the same, and it installs a bit faster than Firefox. Chances are, if you're a hard-core long time user of Firefox, you have it set up exactly how you like it, you have your shortcuts and plugins, and all the good stuff that we use Firefox for in the first place. When you first install PaleMoon, you'll notice that none of your old Firefox profile is there. No worries! Just download and install the simple-to-use PaleMoon migration tool (available from this direct link) and in a matter of seconds, your entire profile is merged in to PaleMoon in one painless motion. The entire process of installing PaleMoon, finding out how to migrate my profile (including shortcuts, plugins, options, etc), and then actually migrating the profile took me less than 3 minutes (I think it was actually less than two minutes, but whatever). If you like Firefox, you'll LOVE PaleMoon. I know have a new full-time favorite browser!!!

    It rocks! :dood
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2010
  2. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    NOTE: if you have an old AthlonXP or AthlonMP processor in your PC/laptop, PaleMoon will simply NOT run!!! More details can be found here: Apparently the fine folks at PaleMoon have developed a version of their EXCELLENT browser just for AthlonXP/MP users. Processors supported by this special build of PaleMoon:
    # Athlon XP (any model)
    # Athlon MP (any model)
    # Older Sempron models (socket 462/socket A)
    # Pentium III
    # Pentium III-m (mobile)
  3. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Geeeez! It really IS faster!!! W O W ! ! ! !

  4. oma

    oma MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    WOW, I'm impressed. :celebrate It took me probably 2 minutes to get it set up. EVERYTHING is the same as in FF, even my beloved Smart Bookmarks Bar with all the icons preserved. Thank you for the migration tool because without it I would have uninstalled Pale Moon. It really is quite faster than FF.

    FF 4 is coming in a few months, will have to appraise it then. Until then I don't see either reason not to use Pale Moon. For now I don't have it as the default browser as yet.

    I might get rid of Chrome again in a few days.

    One question though. By using the migration tool I think that Pale Moon created its own profile folder, separate from Firefox. Is that so? Of course I didn't let the program migrate the info from IE. Thanks.
  5. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

  6. motc7

    motc7 Vice Admiral (Starfleet)

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Good Lord this thing is fast. Works like a champ!
  7. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    :-o Sorry Caliban, I didn't mean to steal your thunder. I somehow missed that thread (and missed PaleMoon completely until yesterday). But yeah - this thing is FAST! Some folks say Opera is faster, and I can't say one way or the other, but even if Opera is faster, I don't really like the Opera GUI, or the hassle I went thru to import my FF bookmarks in to it, and I just don't like Opera in general (it just 'rubs me the wrong way' if you know what I mean). But PaleMoon -with all my FF goodies imported- is freekin' awesome. It's now my default full-time browser, with FF as a 'back up', and Opera way on the back burner (but likely to be removed soon).
  8. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    No problem - no thunder intended. Just glad Pale Moon's getting the attention: I think it's a step forward.

    Read something about Chrome in this thread concerning tearing away tabs to create new windows - that's pretty interesting.
  9. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Yes, it is quite fast, but I have to ask - have you previously tried Chrome? When I first installed Chrome it was just incredible, but after about three months of use and installing several addons, it has slowed a little but it is still at least as fast as Pale Moon, if not a bit faster, though initial loading can be a bit slow.
  10. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Well, for a %0 learning curve I like this. As the browser is what I use everyday, the 'feel and familiarity' of it is very important as opposed to an OS change which after a few weeks of setting it up is then taken for granted. It was a big change for me going from IE/Maxthon to FF and I don't make these decisions lightly as it affects my habits and gives rise to too much head scratching.:)

    As to safety etc., we'll just have to see as there are obviously changes under the hood.

    EDIT: Also, the RAM used for 18 open tabs is only 120 MB instead of double that for FF.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  11. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    To "tear away" a tab to put that web page in a new window, just drag the tab to a blank space on your desktop. This can be reversed, meaning the separate window is put back in the original Chrome window as a tab again, by dragging the tab in the separate window to tab bar on the original window. Firefox and Opera work the same way, and with them you will see a small pointer on the receiving tab bar indicating where the new tab will be placed.
  12. Jordan Rivers

    Jordan Rivers Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    For anyone with an older/slower computer, I dropped Pale Moon(the light version) in an old Compaq Deskpro/PIII/500mhz/320mb ram/6GB HD/running 2000pro, and the computer reacts well to it, and does seem faster than with Firefox or Seamonkey.
  13. oma

    oma MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    I remember reading your thread about Palemoon and checked out the author's site but didn't see the migration tool then (probably overlooked) and therefore left it at that. dlb had the migration tool right in his post and I therefore took the bait. :-D Am glad I did. Thanks anyway Caliban.
  14. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Yeah, the need for that tool is probably why a lot of people don't risk shiny new browsers - their comfort zones won't allow change. Good idea.
    Same reason FF is my primary (for years), and I tinker with the somewhat beta models as time permits.

    Speaking of: anybody got a quick link or tutorial for an IE migrator?
  15. nanageek

    nanageek Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    I just downloaded this browser with the migration tool and least 50% faster than Firefox for me and everything transferred as you said ...hope it stays that way.

    Thank You
  16. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    I downloaded it and honestly don't notice a difference. My FF is fast anyway. Could be computer specs? It is amazing how easy the migration tool is and if I didn't see the moon instead of the FF icon, I wouldn't know I was on Pale Moon instead of Firefox.
  17. Buck_nekid

    Buck_nekid Specialist

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    I tried it, can't really see a speed increase over FF but was amazed how it "is" Firefox. Is this a split off from some ex-firefox developers? Seems like something software companies get sued over, not that it matters to me. I will keep it in my "Program Setups" folder though.

    OK, I just went and read their homepage "100% Firefox sourced: As safe as the browser that has seen years of development." They just optimized it. Now I wish someone would cut the fat from some other programs that are growing out of control (Abobe comes to mind.)
  18. Gregoryno6

    Gregoryno6 Specialist

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Not mind-numbingly faster, but definitely faster.
    Thanks for the suggestion.
    EDIT - Main difference I notice is that the cursor leaps to the button for login, logout etc on more sites than FF does.
  19. pwillener

    pwillener MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Thank you for that info - I was wondering if it would run on my old Win2K system. I'll try it, as FF is rather slow here...
  20. pwillener

    pwillener MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Looks like it doesn't run on Win2K (Pro)...

    Attached Files:

    • pm.png
      File size:
      3.5 KB
  21. Jordan Rivers

    Jordan Rivers Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    2000pro is what I am using it on right now with no problems, may be you got a corrupt download.
  22. grc123

    grc123 MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Jury still out here on any speed increase (Vista Home/Basic), however it is certainly not any slower (though I've only downloaded it approximately 12 -or-so hours ago, so haven't spent much time with it as most of those hours I was ASLEEP - HAH!).

    The migration tool IS fantastically smooth/easy/simple, and yes, it "IS" Firefox (haha).

    One interesting note (and I can only "imagine" that it's my "imagination"), but immediately after I downloaded it, I opened Chrome to retrieve some information, and Chrome "seems" to have become (somehow?!?) faster, since I installed Pale Moon ??? Oh well, I'll see if I can better quantify that, (somehow??) later-on...

    Thanks to dlb (and others) for this info......
  23. thesmokingun

    thesmokingun MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    hmm win2k is listed under system requirements
    although on the mg download page it only list xp/vista/7.
  24. Jordan Rivers

    Jordan Rivers Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    pwillener, you are downloading the "light version" right.
  25. Tnelson

    Tnelson Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Is this new browser going to have regular updates as does FF?
  26. Tnelson

    Tnelson Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Light version? What are you referring to? I see only one version (3.6.9)

    Never mind I see what your talking about.
  27. grc123

    grc123 MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Well I KNEW this was too good to be True...No discernible problems with my Vista operation of this browser, but am having trouble (complete trouble) on the XP machine (with an Intel/Pent. IV Processor).

    Won't connect to the internet (won't load any pages) ... tried my other browsers (FF & Chrome) and no problem with them connecting/loading.

    I did get THIS error upon installing the Migration Tool (so I don't believe that the tool is installing):

    "Pale Moon profile migra...
    Class not registered"

    Can anyone tell me what THIS means, please...? I mean, even without the Migration Tool installing, I should still be able to connect to the web, no?

    Thanks in advance,
  28. Tnelson

    Tnelson Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    We'll I just downloaded Pale moon and without being able to actually measure a difference, it does appear to be faster just from a visual experience. Pages load faster etc.. Was a snap to download and install as well as the migrate program. I have a dell dimension 3000 with pentium 4 processor with 512 ram and FF was really hogging my memory and bogging things down. I plan on upgrading my memory to it's capacity of 2 GB, but Pale moon has made my browsing experience a bit better so far.:)

    So... do I understand correctly that this was developed by the people at Mozilla? Security and most other features identical to FF??

    Glad I saw this.
  29. oma

    oma MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Perhaps a version or 2 behind and no automatic updates for now as shown here: and or the website link below.

    For all info re Palemoon just visit their website.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  30. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Getting loads of errors here (window after window of them) after installation on a win7 32 bit machine.
    Haven't the time to look at it all tonight, up early tomorrow.

    Attached Files:

  31. thesmokingun

    thesmokingun MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    hmm, installed fine on win 7 64bit. Not seeing much of anything different. is it faster? maybe, but I don't count milliseconds.
  32. pwillener

    pwillener MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Where can I find the "light" version?
  33. grc123

    grc123 MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Yeah, I'm with you...Love it when someone makes a suggest (in the form of a question), but with no answer/solution/link to support it.

    The #1 problem with forums: Folks simply "disappear" on you ... often when you are in the most need of assistance......
  34. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    @Jordan Rivers
    There is no "light version" on the official Pale Moon website. So if you're going to mention it, either link to it or stop wasting our time. But don't mention it and then abandon the thread and leave us curious and hunting for a link in google. That's NOT how you help people. And I should not have to spell that out for you.

    @everyone else
    I like this browser. I installed it, ran the profile migration thing, and now I'm in "Firefox" but without the slowdowns that used to drive me crazy! :) I'll be testing out Pale Moon for the next few days...
  35. grc123

    grc123 MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Ok, I got it going (connecting to the net) in XP (Home/Basic 32 bit), but still without the Migration Tool gives me the "Please Wait..." message, but after four attempts (15-20 minute average "wait" on each), I abandoned the wait, and still nothing "migrated" - I'm at a loss on that(?).

    I attempted all the advanced-config (about:config) stuff I could find on their site to try, to no avail.

    It does load faster than Firefox (on my XP machine)...I timed each several times. Firefox was averaging about 20 seconds (yes, I have the slowest DSL connection my ISP offers), and Pale Moon was beating that by half or better - approximately 8-10 seconds!). This is also slightly faster than Chrome on the same machine (Chrome = 10 to 15 seconds).

    I haven't timed it yet on my Vista machine (also Home/Basic 32 bit) - will report back here when I'm able to (start/load time comparisons).

    Overall, I do like it (Pale Moon) - so far ~ Thanks to all ......
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  36. plastidust

    plastidust Command Sergeant Major

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Maybe this(best guess) is what is being referenced when referring to a "light version". As Mimsy pointed out, there is no declared "light version" of Pale Moon. So, a confirmation(by those in the know) on this guess might be handy.

    Pale Moon is more responsive(smoother) than Fx, it does render and load pages a little quicker but Fx, for me, is quick anyway. How much faster than "the blink of an eye" is fast enough? I like Pale Moon but am wondering about version security patches/upgrades, as in Pale Moon ver(3.6.9) compared to Fx ver(3.6.10).

    @grc; if the migration tool is taking 15-20 minutes, you should be getting a pop-up(several times) indicating the script is taking longer than expected and asking if you want to continue or cancel. If that's the case, try letting it continue. If this is not the case, umm maybe start a new thread.
  37. sikvik

    sikvik Corporal Karma

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Just installed PM. Can't tell the difference between FF and this. FF launches in maybe 3-4 seconds on this Vista machine. Same with rendering of web pages- can't tell the difference.
    Ran through the custom install, real quick- had to down load the migration tool. The tool errored out in a few seconds. Did not note the error message! As FF was also running, shut it down and ran the tool. This time it was successful.

    Not sure if I'm keeping PM.

  38. samtal

    samtal Corporal

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Firefox is still faster for me.
  39. Tnelson

    Tnelson Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    What processor do you have? Some of the older processors such as Pentium 3 and such are not supported. There is a separate download for Athlon XP, which is not quite as fast, other than that there is only one version (3.6.9) that I can see.

    Check here for what is supported:
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  40. Jordan Rivers

    Jordan Rivers Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Ok, listen up, I`m only going to say this once. You might think of getting the facts straight before you jump on someone. This is for everyone that is jumping on my back saying that there is not a lighter version of Pale Moon for the individuals that do not have your modern day P4s, but instead have older PIIIs,/AthlonXP/AthalonMP/and older semprons. You know who you are, grc/Mimsy/plastidust/tnelson. You might think of taking the time to read through the thread replys, and get your info straight. Now, why didn`t I give a link to the lighter version? Hmmm, "may be it was because the link had already been given". It was given by dlb in his response #2, and I`m not in the habit of stepping on other peoples toes by linking twice in a thread as I consider it a waste of time, and resources of the site,(and thanks dlb, and Caliban(as I believe Caliban started the original thread with the link to the original Pale Moon for P4 computers with XP/Vista/7, I appreciate the link to Pale Moon the lighter version dlb for people whose computers are older, and slower, it is running fine on my older PIII). You want the link, here`s the link(originally from dlb thread reply #2:
  41. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    I can imagine that as a beta its going to get alot of errors and issues that some may see and some may not, depends on system config.

    Need also to make sure you run the correct version of using an Athlon XP CPU.

    personally I like Minefield which is next Fx version as coined by some as Fx 4.0, but its beta also ans subject to issues on some PCs.
  42. grc123

    grc123 MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Occurs to me, once again, that "TERMINOLOGY" may have been the culprit here (as seems TOO often the case with technology) ... TOO many words/names/references for the very same "thing"?

    Perhaps "Alternate" version or "Earlier Model Processor" version would be more appropriate?

    For me (personally), "Light" is connotative of a "smaller" version (which may also happen to be the case, in this instance, I don't know?), however, usually, I think folks associate "Light" with: "Trimmed-Down" or "Basic" - no frills, extra bells or whistles involved or included - types of programs ... i.e., "Less Bloated", or "Space-Saving".

    Please, correct me if I'm wrong (I have no trouble or problem with humility...especially AROUND HERE!).
  43. Jordan Rivers

    Jordan Rivers Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    grc123, A quote down the page from the Pale Moon link for the whatever "you" want to call it, Pale Moon light/alternate/earlier model processor version. Pale Moon doesn`t specifically have a "program" name for this version(none I could find)that designates it as being very different from the original, and can be used on older PIIIs, and Athlons/Semprons Since every time I reply to a thread I can`t, and don`t need to be asking members what terminology "they" think is more relative in their mind to a certain name I place on something which I consider appropriate considering the facts stated(this version has to be called something other than Pale Moon). If everyone that thought their wasn`t a different version of the original Pale Moon had gone through the initial few threads that dlb posted they would have seen the link, and if they were curious about the different version, they would have been informed more than they were. I don`t come to this site to go to English class and have someone tell me what they think I should call something, I come here to try to learn more, and on the way may be help someone in the process myself. I use this "light/alternate/earlier model processor version(whatever any individual wants to call it) as I stated in an earlier reply. I called it light, which is what it is compared to the original version.

    The Pale Moon website quote:

    By popular demand, these browsers were built specifically for the Athlon XP or Athlon MP processors, since Pale Moon does not support these processors by default. These browsers are not as highly optimized as the standard Pale Moon browser, and were about 7-9% slower on the machine they were tested on than the standard Pale Moon in a synthetic test. Compared to Firefox, this is still a huge speed increase.

    Please note that support for these processors will not be extended to Pale Moon 4.0 (when released). Future security updates may still be done on 3.x browsers, though.

    Processors that should be supported by this build that are not supported by the main build of Pale Moon:

    * Athlon XP (any model)
    * Athlon MP (any model)
    * Older Sempron models (socket 462/socket A)
    * Pentium III
    * Pentium III-m (mobile)

    Note in the second sentence, they state: These browsers are not as highly optimized as the standard Pale Moon. Now if that isn`t "lighter", (it has to be to not be as optimized as original Pale Moon)(your words for lighter "trimmed down/basic/no frills, extra bells/whistles/different programing) I don`t know what is.
    No big deal, but don`t tell me there isn`t a Pale Moon browser that is not "lighter"(quote Pale Moon website: "not as highly optimized").
    I mean you have people coming on this thread saying " PIIIs are not supported by Pale Moon, and as you can tell by the Pale Moon website PIIIs are supported by this lighter version.
  44. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    What does your DSL speed have to do with it? Nothing unless your home page is set to a fairly heavy web page or you saving your last browsing session with numerous tabs/websites open. I tend to keep my home page set to the basic Google search page, so it's a light burden upon browser startup. More details would shed some light on your statement.

    Also, how much does it matter how long the browser takes to initially launch? The more important point is how it responds while browsing after it has been launched.

    Apparently, you have two computers. How long does FF take to launch in the computer noted in your forum signature block, the machine with 6GB of RAM?

    I have FF installed on three computers. On my laptop, running Vista, and a desktop Pentium 4 running Win 7, it launches within a few seconds if it's not burdened with opening a previously saved session which contained numerous open tabs. In my Win XP system, with 512MB of RAM, it is slower to launch, sometimes around 20 seconds, so similar to what you mentioned with Win XP.

    I haven't tried PaleMoon yet and not sure I will try it. I currently have Chrome set as default browser on my laptop and FF set as default in my Win 7 computer and am quite satisfied the browsing performance in both cases.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  45. Tnelson

    Tnelson Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Whoa! whoa! whoa! there Jordan, come down off your high horse. Perhaps it is you who should read all of the posts as I specifically mentioned the alternative download for older processors athlon xp etc.. with this reply above:

    I won't even mention that I had figured it out even earlier with this reply:
    And don't include me in the group with the older computers as I use Pent 4. Perhaps instead of saying a lighter version you might have just stated an alternate download for older processors.rolleyes
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  46. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Keep to the subject please rather than arguing semantics regarding specific posts and what everyone meant, or I'm going to close this thread.

    This is supposed to be an informative thread so EVERYONE keep it civil please.

    Any other posts that aren't on topic will be deleted.
  47. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    I have a hard time seeing a speed difference between Pale Moon and Firefox... so I may go back to FF since it's a later version and there usually are security issues associated with running an older version of a program.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2010
  48. Jordan Rivers

    Jordan Rivers Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Tnelson, thanks for the heads up in regards to the content of your replies in this thread. You are completely right, and I was totally wrong including you with what I said. I made a mistake in haste, and hope you will accept my apology as I regret those actions. I should have taken more time with my reply, and double checked my facts before submitting my reply.
  49. pwillener

    pwillener MajorGeek

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Thank you for clarifying that (this version is actually called AthlonXP).

    And thank you very much for pointing that version out to me. Although I have a Celeron processor on this W2K system, this version actually works fine.

    This is my first post using Palemoon, and so far it appears to work much better than Firefox. FF (even in Safe Mode) was constantly allocating and releasing memory, making its use very slow (especially in heavily scripted sites like the Adobe Forums).
  50. Jordan Rivers

    Jordan Rivers Private E-2

    Re: ATTN: Firefox users! Want a faster browser?

    Glad it worked out for you pwillener.

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