audio book CDs to mp3 player w/ format 4.

Discussion in 'Software' started by lissyloo, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. lissyloo

    lissyloo Private E-2

    My CD player has freaked out & is fast forwarding my audiobook CDs making it impossible to listen to them. Don't know how it happened, just want to listen to the books! The library will want them back soon!
    I have a phillips GoGear Aria MP3 player that plays audio books in format 4 (??). The manual says I have to go to (Amazon site) & buy books. I want to covert the CDs I borrowed from the library.
    Will anyone tell me what I need to do to convert these discs to format 4 & put them on my player? I mostly use windows media player.
    P.S. what is the significance of the tags that I may add to this thread?
  2. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Unfortunately, in order for you to get your audiobooks on your mp3-player you need to rip the contents to your PC, convert them to the proper format, and then move them to the player. While I know how to do that, I'm not going to tell you, since ripping the content of a CD you borrowed at the library technically is piracy, which is a huge no-no to talk about, encourage, or ask for help with here on MGs. The site is hosted in the US, and the site owners can get in serious trouble.

    Something to keep firmly in mind for future posts. :)

    As for the problem with the CD player, is it a portable one? If it is, then it's going to be very hard to get around. If not, then any modern computer can play audio CDs, including audio books, so you should be able to listen to them on the PC.
  3. lissyloo

    lissyloo Private E-2

    No, I wasn't trying to steal the book! I just wanted to listen to it! Having the audiobook in a mobile form was my goal! Very hard to go for a walk or drive 3 hours to see my family while reading. :eek:(
    Never mind. Wasn't trying to cause trouble. Thanks anyway.
  4. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    I didn't think you were, that's why I didn't report your post.

    The problem is that although you're not trying to steal anything, others could use my post to do so, which is why I can't post it here. And yes, I agree that reading while you drive is a very bad idea. ;)

    Depending on what kinds of books you like, you could check out this place: Books should be free
  5. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    I edited my post while you were posting. The new links goes to free audio books, the first one was for free eBooks. Also not good while driving! :)

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