AVAST! Operating System Restart Needed

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by wwalker555, Nov 30, 2005.

  1. wwalker555

    wwalker555 Corporal

    I have recently (over the last month approx) been getting this message when I connect to the internet -- it has a sub-line of 'Avast! needs to restart your operating system. Do you want to do it now?' Yes / No buttons are present.

    Sometimes I click the YES button and my operating is restarted -- the system restarts and the message does not reappear, sometimes I click the NO button and I see no problems just the message goes away.

    I have AVAST! 4.6 Home Edition -- Does anyone know what is going on?

    Also, I was playing around with the settings to see if there was something I might be able to do to rid myself of the problem -- went into menu/Schedule Boot Time Scan and got it to Scan All Local Disks. I now see that I don't want this to happen each time I boot-up and can't turn it off - it will not let me clear that radio button. Can anyone tell me how to get the scan stopped?

    I appreciate any help.
  2. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    Every once in awhile an update for AVAST will require you to restart your system. When Avast updates it doesn't just look for new signature files it also looks for program updates.
  3. wwalker555

    wwalker555 Corporal

    Thanks for the reply Shadow. This afternoon, I connected to the AVAST user form (http://forum.avast.com/) and found quite a few hits on this problem. Although none of them seem to an exact match for my problem, it does tell me that it is common with many users. The thing that throws me off is that the message only appears periodically and I can't find a direct relationship to program updates. It only started about 2 weeks ago and there is at least one hit in the forum which discusses that it could be related to a particular upgrade. There are also hits which indicate that the problem may be caused by a faulty upgrade. I will just have to keep monitoring my system until the cause can be determined.

    Also, I corrected the second part of my question concerning the scan at boot time.
  4. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    You could uninstall and reinstall with the latest version, if you think there could have been a faulty upgrade.
  5. wwalker555

    wwalker555 Corporal

    I may have to do that -- just a moment ago I started AVAST! and after it went thru the memory scan it gave me the following message -- Unknown error. Application cannot load skin. Function "usiGetSkin" failed. This is the first time for this message.

    Is AVAST! unloaded with the Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs? Also, I am considering upgrading from the free Home version to their pay Pro version. I am not concerned with the cost... do you think I will gain much with the Pro version?
  6. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    Yes, you can uninstall Avast! via Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel.

    If Avast! fails to uninstall properly, then use this TOOL to remove Avast!.
  7. wwalker555

    wwalker555 Corporal

    I just fixed my lastest problem by following the info at http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=17554.0

    But now, since I am running into mutiple problem, it looks like a reinstall is the best thing to do. I appreciate the info on the uninstall tool you provided in case I run into a problem.

    Did you have an opinion on using Avast Pro versus Avast Home?
  8. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    Avast Pro provides you with a few more options, such as a Command Line Scanner, PUSH updates and Script Blocking; but bear in mind that you must purchase a 1, 2, or 3 year maintenance contract to continue to receive updates.

    I would stay with Avast Home, you get the same level of protection without all the bells and whistles, updates as long as you reregister every year (Free). There or other tools that can be used to provide the same functions you don't get with Home. Such as MS AntiSpyware for Script blocking, and using an On-line scanner in place of the Comman-Line Scanner.

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