Battlefield 1942 Anthology Install Prob

Discussion in 'Software' started by NativeFunk, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. NativeFunk

    NativeFunk Private E-2

    Yeah so bf1942 deff wont install for me an i could use sum help. i have no idea what the deal is. check my screen shot, lemme know if you know what the prob is.

    Attached Files:

  2. Gecks

    Gecks Specialist

    Can you copy the contents of the entire CD to the hard driver? If so, do you get the same message when you run setup from the folder?
  3. NativeFunk

    NativeFunk Private E-2

    well i tried to copy hard to the hard drive an i got this error. peep the pic.

    Attached Files:

  4. Gecks

    Gecks Specialist

    First off, carefully and gently clean the CD. The no-brainer method is using a clean, dry, soft cloth, wiping the CD from the inside edge straight to the outside edge. I'm sure hard-core gamer/hardware people can give you more in-depth advice than that.

    If you have more than one CD/DVD drives, try it from the other one.

    Failing that, try copying the CD to the hard-drive of another computer.

    If these don't work, it's probably a problem with the CD itself. If it's a new game, best bet is to return it to the store you bought it from or contact EA for a replacement CD.
  5. Gecks

    Gecks Specialist

    Some EA suggestions:<?%20echo%20$p_sid%20?%20%20%20>
  6. NativeFunk

    NativeFunk Private E-2

    well i tried quiet a bit of those methods but got too tired an said screw it, does anyone know the sure thing to fix this? i mean i bought this factory sealed and it doesnt even work. :mad:
  7. majinbuu

    majinbuu Specialist

    have you followed an earlier suggestion and tried it from a different cd drive?

    Dying CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drives often have this syndrome, where they can read most but not all of a disc
  8. NativeFunk

    NativeFunk Private E-2

    the prob is i only have one cd rom. its a laptop.
  9. majinbuu

    majinbuu Specialist

    really the only other option I see for you is to try to install it or copy the contents of the disc on another PC. If it works there, you may have a problem with your cd drive. If not, the disc is faulty and you should return it.

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