battlefield 2 lags on medium

Discussion in 'Software' started by oddray, Oct 18, 2005.

  1. oddray

    oddray Private E-2

    my specs are

    athlon 64 3200+ 2.00
    ati radeon x850 xt saphfire version
    1 gig of corsair ram 3200 400 mhz or somthin like that
    300 watt power suply

    and when i start a game it lags then it doesn't while i play for a lil while
    it never used to lag before
  2. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    Definitely need a better psu, at least 460W I'd say with that setup!!!

    Also, is this on multiplayer or single player?
    Could just be a slow server if it's multiplayer, or your connection.

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