Best format for homemade DVDs

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by niceandspicy999, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. niceandspicy999

    niceandspicy999 Private E-2

    I want to make a DVD of home videos but have had hours and hours of problems in the past, so have a couple of questions in the hope of making it go a bit easier this time....
    I have XP & basic programs like Cyblerlink Powerproducer & Powerdirector, and Windows Movie Maker.

    The DVD I am making needs to be playable in DVD players in UK & USA, so
    - what's the best file format to covert them to? They download to my pc as .MOD files, & I usually just convert them to MPEG
    - what's the best kind of writeable DVD for this? DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW or DVD+RW?

    Any other useful info would be greatly appreciated too! ;) Thanks!
  2. Puppywunder58

    Puppywunder58 Master Sergeant

  3. niceandspicy999

    niceandspicy999 Private E-2

    Thanks. I'll give that a try!

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