Best OS for production?

Discussion in 'Software' started by hrlow2, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Is there any difference in productivity between Windows XP Home and any of the Linux distros?
    If Linux is better, which would be the best in producing and use of system resources?
    My sig does say "Continuing to learn" and asking is the best way.
  2. lbmest

    lbmest MajorGeek

    You won't be using any -bigadv flags, will you hrlow2?
    So we are talking about the differences in single or dual core CPU folding between Win OS's and linux distros?
    I'll have to do some research myself on that. I think linux may be more efficient but I can't say for sure.
  3. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    1 machine is a single core P4 (Northwood)
    The other is also a Northwood, but an HT type P4.
    Whichever can increase my output without overstressing my machines.
  4. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Windows is the best for now as their Linux WU's are now %20 lower in PPD as opposed to some 1.3 years ago, no one's folding Linux -bigadv anymore unless they have to. As to the other WU flavours, I have no idea. It's kinda sad as I've lost most of the Linux that I learned trying to run those WU's.:cry
  5. lbmest

    lbmest MajorGeek

    augie, I'm thinking the classic CPU client as opposed to the SMP client.
    FAH should be run on a minimum 4 logical core machine so a Duo with HT would be the minimum for SMP.
    The Linux clients are 64 bit also so the distro would need to be that. I'm not sure how the hardware requirements work into that. Still reading.:-o
  6. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Starting to look like I'll stay with what is already working.
  7. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Interesting thread guys, so and I'm just wildly thinking here, in would or could it be a test that could be done on a Virtual PC enviroment with a x64 version of Linux to see if you get any better WUs?

    or is that a bad idea as it would be much better to have a fully installed linux box over virtual?
  8. lbmest

    lbmest MajorGeek

    I know the linux in VMPlayer loses about 3% over native linux but that was for the -bigadv flag in SMP. Don't know what the difference is for the classic client. I would assume much the same % loss, as the player has to have some resources to run in Windows.

    As augie said, the -bigadv linux client is broken and I haven't seen where a fix is forthcoming on that.
    The classic client is working fine but I haven't used it on updated hardware since switching to SMP.
  9. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Cheers for that info John, and looks as if Windows Client is the way to go at present.
  10. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    I think both are Linux candidates. You will see an increase in PPD, how much is anyone's guess. Heck install Ubuntu on the single core and see what it gets you, you have nothing to lose except for time and support.

    As to 'overstressing' your machines,(which folder doesn't?:-D), you can set the slider where you want for how much CPU you're willing to give, at least that's the way it works in Windows and I believe it's the same in Linux, it's been too long.

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