Best Webhosting software, whats your opinion?

Discussion in 'Software' started by phynestein, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. phynestein

    phynestein Private E-2

    Doing some research into webhosting software interested in creating a website, any reviews i could get about different software would be helpful - thanks
  2. Kodo


    what are you ultimately trying to accomplish?
  3. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    Are you looking for info on web servers, or html editors.. or what?
  4. phynestein

    phynestein Private E-2

    Yea webhosting mainly, I can write html somewhat - but im looking to purchase a domain and run it on my computer and i dont want to pirate software anymore - so with the problem of 'buying' software i want to know what people think is the best.
  5. phynestein

    phynestein Private E-2

    no one has an opinion about webhosting software?
  6. Kodo


    if you're going with open source software to avoid having to pay money for webhosting software use


    because unless you have Windows Server version then your Windows Pro workstation is limited to 10 IIS connections.

    Hope this helps.
  7. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    Apache is good, you'll probably want PHP and MySQL if you want to do any server side scripting, both of which are open-source and free.

    Apache does take a bit more setting up than IIS, but its pretty good performing when you get it running

    Either that or you shell out the money for Win 2k3 server.

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