Bestfriends Virus on Aol Instant Messenger Please Help

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by Whitnit809, Oct 8, 2004.

  1. Whitnit809

    Whitnit809 Private E-2

    I really hope someone can help. I have read all the other bestfriend virus threads, I have hijack this. This is my log:
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ICQ Lite Messenger] KBPFLVF.EXE
    O4 - HKCU\..\RunOnce: [ICQ Lite Messenger] KBPFLVF.EXE

    I keep deleting them but they keep coming back. If someone can show me how to get rid of this virus I will be extremely grateful. I really, really need someone's help.
  2. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Do you have ICQ Messenger installed? Uninstall it if you do not want it.
  3. Whitnit809

    Whitnit809 Private E-2

    As far as I know, I do not have it installed.
  4. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    If you did not install ICQ, those lines could be a trojan. You should follow all the steps in this Sticky thread < READ ME FIRST BEFORE ASKING FOR SUPPORT: Basic Spyware, Trojan And Virus Removal >

    If you already have any of the programs linked in the tutorial please double check your version to make sure you have the latest one and that you have any/all updates for the programs.

    NOTE: In order to resolve the issues you are having it is very important that you at least try to perform all the steps as outlined. If you have any difficulty please post back letting us know what steps you have completed, what you found while doing the scans if anything and details about any problems you have encountered in completing the steps. The more details you can provide the better

    After the above, if still having a problem, you should read the tutorial in this Sticky thread NO HIJACK THIS LOG FILES BEFORE READING THIS: HJT Tutorial & LOG File Posting

    Now post a HijackThis as a .txt file attachment to your message. All running programs should be closed, including your web browser, e-mail, items in the tray, anything you can close... Close before running Hijack This!

    Do NOT run Hijack This from the Desktop, a temp folder or choose run it directly from the downloaded ZIP file. Place it in its own folder, for example C:\Program Files\HJT

    Also note you descibed your problem as being with AIM but what you showed in the small piece of a log was ICQ. If you are having AIM problems, you may also want to give this a run: AIM Fix 1.0 (Updated)
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2004
  5. Whitnit809

    Whitnit809 Private E-2

    Hey there, thank you so much for the advice. Strangely enough, I haven't had any problems today with the bestfriend virus, on AIM it never popped up. Usually if I'm not even on AIM, I will have a popup that says "the hyperlink you are trying to use will not work, you must be connected" or something like that, and I'll have like 15 of those on my monitor and I have to click them all off. I left my computer on all night while I was at a movie and it never did that. I wonder if that Fix Aim thing I went to (the link provided on this site) fixed it... Kinda weird since I was still having problems after I scanned it with Fix Aim, maybe I just needed to reboot. Anyhow, I've been on the internet for 10 hours now, and no problems.. I will definitely post as soon as I see anything, so don't run away! hahah Thanks again, Whitni :)
  6. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Your welcome!
  7. Whitnit809

    Whitnit809 Private E-2

    Well, since then my computer wouldn't connect to our home network and the internet. The cable company guy came out and said that the file that he needed to reformat my computer was not in my computer. He said it was possible that the virus "ate" it. Anyway, I just wanted to update, he ended up taking the tower home to fix, I hated letting go of my computer, I don't want some stranger looking through my computer.. I have no idea if the bestfriends virus did this or not, I just wanted to warn others with this problem to watch out for this virus to take over other files and BACK UP things they want to save. -Whitni
  8. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Formatting should not have been necessary. And the files need to format your computer are always available of the CDs that came with your system (if they were really even missing). What do you mean "he took it home"? Why would a cable company employee take your computer home?

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