Bios runs, do not see drives, no boot

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by oldguy51, Nov 23, 2005.

  1. oldguy51

    oldguy51 Private E-2

    Attempting to fix no boot issue with Friends Computer. It was having issues with crashes, they reloaded WinXP Home. While adding email account, got following error:

    "Stop: c000021a (Fatal System Error)
    Session Manager Initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with status of 0x000026c (0x00000000 0x0000000). This system has been shut down."

    Now, the system will not go past Bios. Get to F1 for reboot try, or F2 for setup. F1 will not work, F2 will put you in Bios.

    In Bios, the CD and HD are not found. (Pri & Sec drives not detected)

    This is a 2001 Dell 4300 P4 1.5Ghz with 256 LII Cache, Bios level A02, it has a Dell MB made in Mexico (DS/N MX 03E851 19F 0x68 C/O MX) 80 Gig HD

    PSU fan working, light on M/B lights Yellow all the time, green one when powered on. CPU fan working also. Have 5.0 Volts at red wire at HD & CD. CD does spin up and floppy hits during boot attempt but HD doesn't seem to make any noise. Tried another HD I had laying around, same no boot condition. This seems that it does see drives??

    This all gets me to Hardware issue or PSU or MB but I am not sure how to Trouble Shoot from this point.

    Would like some help, willing to try anything. Intermediate skills with hardware and software, have built own computer. This eludes me.
  2. Prophets21

    Prophets21 Staff Sergeant

    I don't suppose you've seen this?

    Some guy has fixed this:

    "Just solved this one for my situation. I found information elsewhere that your NTFS or FAT32 partition can become marked 'hidden' in this Linux/Windows mess. Using the Partition Magic boot floppies I selected my 'hidden' NTFS partition, went to 'Advanced' and I believe it was 'unhide'.
    After that, GRUB would start both Fedora and WinXP with no problems.

    Hope this helps somebody else."
  3. Petaluma

    Petaluma First Sergeant

    Could it be a fix from ms themselves, check here to read;en-us;317189

  4. oldguy51

    oldguy51 Private E-2

    Yes, I started a MS KB first by Googling the error message. I read the post aslo from Prophets21 as he suggested. The issue is the BIos or MB does not see my drives at this moment, after the original Error and a re-boot. I think I understand you both that if it were a Registery Issue, I could fix via the MS article and dual/parallel load.

    But seeing I can not get to my drives, does it not appear to be an hardware issue? I have not tried switching my cables yet but since I swapped out the original HD with a known good 98 loaded drive and it was exactly the same and the fact that I can not see the CD Drive in Bios either I doubt it is a cable issue. I fear that it is a MB gone bad and the IDE driver is not working.

    Your thoughts? Am I off base too far? Thank you for your time trying to help.
  5. thesmokingun

    thesmokingun MajorGeek

    maybe try resetting the bios? remove the battery or use the jumper...or maybe flash the bios with a newer or current version
  6. juggalo29935

    juggalo29935 Private E-2

    Sounds like the IDE is mobo time
  7. oldguy51

    oldguy51 Private E-2

    Well, after more checks, cable swaps and a third HD. I found that the only bad part was my 2 harddrives. I had never had one fail quite that way.

    Bottom line, New harddrive and new OS load and all is fine. :)

    Thanks for your help and making me dig further.

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