Black Border around monitor screen

Discussion in 'Software' started by davidsgrandma, Jan 7, 2005.

  1. davidsgrandma

    davidsgrandma Private E-2

    I am using Windows XP OS and something has put a black border about 1/2 inch wide around my screen. How can I get rid of this?
  2. TheDoug

    TheDoug MajorGeek

    That actually sounds normal for CRT monitors, from my experience. You could use the screen sizing controls on your monitor to stretch the display to fill the screen to your liking. Perhaps is was previously set to fill the screen and someone or something caused a reversion to a default.
  3. JimU

    JimU Private E-2

    This can also happen if you inadvertantly changed the "Screen Resolutions" under "Display Properties" to a higher resolution.

    Hope you get it fixed.

    JimU ;)
  4. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    Both TheDoug and JimmyU were right! :)

    IF you were already happy with the current screen resolution do what TheDoug said, if not then do what JimmyU said first then check to see if you still need to do what TheDoug said since changing the screen resolution may cause the black areas to appear afterwards.


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