Blocked Websight

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by novoice, May 12, 2007.

  1. novoice

    novoice Private E-2

    Hi, my brother who's very good with computer things blocked a website that I need to get on because he thought it was funny. I'm not sure what he did but it could be anything, can anyone out there help me fix this?
  2. KingSteve

    KingSteve MajorGeek

    if your firewall can block IPs, check out what IPs are being blocked. get the ip for the website you need to go on and see if it matches anything thats blocked. if so, just take it out.
    or just go tell yer bro to quit being retarded and blocking websites dosnt make you smart.:D nah dont do that...
  3. urmom

    urmom Private First Class

    Here's a trick that works most of the time. Go to Google Translator and go to the part where it sais translate website and it gives a box to put the URL in. Put the URL of the website that you want to visit in there and for the translation dropdown box, put Spanish to English. Since Google is the one running the page, and I'd figure that he didn't block Google, it should work.
  4. novoice

    novoice Private E-2

    nothing worked yet, what else could it be?
  5. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Either he blocked you at the router, which he'd have to undo or you could reset and set it up again or he modded your hosts file and put a static dns entry in there that messes you up ... look at the file with this hostsxpert

    You could try adding it to the hosts file with the correct IP and see if it work then.
    Goto and type the domain
    ex. = [ ]
    Run hostsxpert and enter it like
    Save and exit
  6. novoice

    novoice Private E-2

    It doesn't seem to be a host file or firewall so does that mean that it could only be the router? If it is how do I fix it? I had him set it up years ago so I don't really know how they work.
  7. Dublin PC Services

    Dublin PC Services Private E-2

    Any parental software installed?
  8. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Or he added it to the blocked sites in the tools/ options/ security/ restricted sites.....
  9. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Or have your parents make him undo said problem, since its really the only way to truely fix the problem.
  10. novoice

    novoice Private E-2

    Were both adults, even if he doesn't act like one, so I don't think dragging our parents into this is an option. He just thinks it's funny to show off by messing with my computer because he's better at using them. I know enough to check for host files, firewall setting, restricted sites options, parental software but it's none of that this time I think. Anything else? Like I said he's real good with computers it could be anything.

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