Blu-ray Disc Player Info

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by GrreatRon, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. GrreatRon

    GrreatRon Sergeant

    I have an older DVD player that I use with my TV but it is beginning to show its age. I need a new one but I understand that Blu-ray is more popular and better. I don't know much about BR but I got an email ad for one that upgrades standard DVD's & clears up fuzzy DVD's.

    Do all Blu-ray players do that? This one has lots of features and retails at $119 and is on sale for $87. Is that a good price?

    Thanks for your help.
  2. Puppywunder58

    Puppywunder58 Master Sergeant

    Without knowing the make and model of the BR player it would be hard to make an analysis of it.
  3. GrreatRon

    GrreatRon Sergeant

    lg blu ray disc player bd611

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