Blue screen all time

Discussion in 'Software' started by pepeto, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. pepeto

    pepeto Private E-2

    Hello. I got the following problem.

    I have an Acer Aspire 4738 with Core i3 M380 with 2.53Ghz. When i buy it i increase the memory to 8Gb. I had windows 7 and one day it starts to give me errors, blue screen errors. I got blue screen lot of times and it seems that it happened when i was in explorer or chrome. I though that it was a problem with windows so i instaled windows 8, but the problem persists. Last night i remove one of the memory cards and let it only with 4Gb because i thought that maybe it was a problem with the supported memory, but the problem continues. I get blue screen even if i turn it on and not using the laptop, it happens like 4 or 5 times a day.

    Can you help me please? how can i send you the files that contains the crash info?

    Thank you very much.
  2. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Best to collect useful info first, use this for collection, attach the required files back here and we'll check things out for you.
  3. Tides

    Tides Private E-2

    Can you post a report from windows event viewer?

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