Blue screen error Windows XP

Discussion in 'Software' started by Add|ct, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. Add|ct

    Add|ct Private E-2

    Hey, I'm working on a Dell Dimension 3000 with original hardware( HDD RAM etc). They computer keeps displaying this message after the windows loading screen appears:

    STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0xBF803EB6, 0xF94857C4, 0x00000000)

    win32k.sys - Address BF803EB6 base at BF800000, DateStamp 47e0e106

    There isn't a message like MEMORY_MANAGEMENT or anything like that. Just the error above when starting up the computer at the blue screen.

    I booted from CD and it sees the HDD and the Windows installation on 'C:\'.

    When I go to 'set up Windows XP now', it sees 3 different partitions:

    -: Partition1 [FAT] 39 MB (31 MB free)

    C: Partition2 [NTFS] 34601 MB (5305 MB free)

    E: Partition3 [FAT] 3499 MB (245 MB free)

    Unpartitioned space 8 MB

    Anyone know what I can do? I can't boot up into safe mode or anything. It keeps going to blue screen. This version of Windows XP doesn't give me the 'R' option on the partition with windows. I tried doing a fixboot and fixmbr in recovery console after doing a chkdsk /p.

    ADDED: Its XP home edition.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008
  2. Add|ct

    Add|ct Private E-2

    Apparently this blue screen with this code has happened ever since a power outtage. How do I check to see which part was affected?
  3. Add|ct

    Add|ct Private E-2

    OK I ran the hardware tests that came with the system during startup and all memory, hard drive, and motherboard tests passed. I'm going to do a clean install of XP.

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