Blue Screen of Death, USB Modem, Ventrilo and Bittorrent

Discussion in 'Software' started by Daduke, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. Daduke

    Daduke Private E-2

    Going to do it all at once, the main issue being the blue screen of death resulting from me using the USB connection vs the cat-5 cable.

    I have a SURFboard® Cable Modem SB5101, with the most recent drivers from the motorola website and I commonly get the blue screen of death from 'irql not less or equal' and 'multiple IRP complete requests'. Uninstalled the modem drivers and went back to using a cable and its all good now but that leads into the 2nd problem. If i can someone fix these blue screens of death I'll be happy.

    The 2nd problem is the root of my all my evils, my ISP provider is Shaw Cable (Canadian based company) and they have issues with Bittorrent files, their 'fix' was to put a low priortiy on bittorrent. However. for whatever reason they cannot differentiate between bitorrent packets and ventrilo packets (once bittorrent packets have been active) so ventrilo's ping time ends up around 30k ms.

    The issue is, my roomate downloads torrents, alot of torrents and hes not going to change his lifestyle habats so I can commicate on ventrilo. My fix that seemed to work was connecting directly to modem via the USB cable but that results in chain crashing. If we connect via the router Shaws sees the torrent download and my ventrilo dies horribly. If he downloads torrents (via the router connection) and i'm connected directly to the modem, its not a problem. That part I don't get. I've tried using both dlink and linksys routers (wired and wireless) and the same problem arises, bittorrent = ventrilo death

    My initial thread

    The orginal thread
  2. Daduke

    Daduke Private E-2

    I guess what i'm asking for is a way to get the drivers working for the USB connection so I'm not constantly blue screening.
  3. Daduke

    Daduke Private E-2

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
    OS Version: 6.0.6000.
    Locale ID: 1033

    Additional information about the problem:
    BCCode: 44
    BCP1: 84156AE8
    BCP2: 00000E71
    BCP3: 00000000
    BCP4: 00000000
    OS Version: 6_0_6000
    Service Pack: 0_0
    Product: 768_1

    Files that help describe the problem:

    Read our privacy statement:

    I had to rename WER-35100-0.sysdata.xml to .txt so I could upload it

    Attached Files:

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