bluetooth ache!

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by mymorph, Jan 22, 2005.

  1. mymorph

    mymorph Private E-2

    i seem to be suffering from a bluetooth ache! got the msi pc2pc dongle plugged in, latest driver from msi that is supposed to support xp svc pck 2. however it doesnt let devices send to device, i can send files out but nothing in. firewall settings allow access. wots going on?

    im close to pulling that dammned tooth out

    thks for reading

  2. tonyc6400

    tonyc6400 Private E-2

    Did you install the drivers BEFORE connecting the harware.

    If not, then you will need to uninstall all the software including drivers - then disconnect the hardware - restart your computer - then re-install the software at both ends - and then FINALLY attach the hardware.

    Hope this helps.
  3. mymorph

    mymorph Private E-2

    ive pulled out that rotten tooth
    any suggestions for a replacement?

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