Browser Hijacked - Explorer hacked. Help please :)

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by Flaunt, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. Flaunt

    Flaunt Private E-2

    Back once again. :-D

    All 3 of my browsers (Chrome, FF and IE) have been hijacked. It's the Google search type of hijack wherein I get re-directed to some fake site etc if I click on a search result.

    One other concern is that both explorer.exe and the windows scripting file mshta.exe have repeatedly requested access to the internet. At one time earlier this morning I had 4 versions of mshta.exe running at the same time (as seen in Process Explorer).

    Both have been blocked for now with Zonealarm. The destination IP for both was

    The command line for mshta.exe was odd as well. Had a URL in it - or something llike that. MBAM keeps finding stuff and removing and then it comes back a few hours later, however the browsers are still screwed no matter what I try. SAS came up clean on the last run earlier. I think the re-direct usually starts with etc.

    Anyway, I've attached various logs for you. Many thanks in advance. :)


    PS. I ran Combofix which found a problem with explorer.exe and something else but as it was fixing it, the PC crashed (3rd time today) so I don't know if any log was produced. Can't see one anywhere......

    PPS. mshta.exe hasn't tried to run since I blocked and isn't showing in Process Explorer. Of course, doesn't mean it's ok but thought I'd mention it...

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  2. Flaunt

    Flaunt Private E-2

    Sorry, forgot to mention that I couldn't get ESET working earlier but it's now finally running a scan. It's so far found 986 infected files and a lot of mentions of RAMNIT virus......*eeek*

    I'll post the log when it's finished.
  3. Flaunt

    Flaunt Private E-2

    Finally finished scanning. It found A LOT to say the least.....(23618 files rolleyes). However, the resulting text file is 3.5 mb so I can't attach it. Here's a download link instead ( zipped and attached here)

    Could someone let me know how things are looking now when you get chance. Many thanks :)

    PS. Could someone explain why seemingly normal files (mainly all my web design files) and lots of general program files seem to be classed as 'infected' and how the virus works like that? I assume they've just been 'cleaned' now? Ta.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2010
  4. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Hi there and welcome. I am currently reviewing your logs and will get back to you with a set of instructions in the next post I make to you.
  5. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Please do 6 back to back scans with ESET and then run combofix.

    If you have problems and it does not create a log @ C:\combofix.txt then you will have to try running it in safe mode. Then:

    Now run the C:\MGtools\GetLogs.bat file by double clicking on it. Then attach the new C:\ file that will be created by running this.

    Attach all of the requested logs. You can just zip up the eset logs and attach those as well.
  6. Flaunt

    Flaunt Private E-2

    Thanks for getting back to me, Kestrel. I'll start the scans now. They're taking between 6-7 hours for each scan so don't think I've forgotten about you! I'll post the logs as soon as it's all done. Thanks!
  7. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    I know it takes a long time . :( But let's crack on and see how much progress we can make. :) This infection is a toughie.
  8. Flaunt

    Flaunt Private E-2

    OK, so all the scans have finally finished. Eset seemed to find the same files and same numbers every time so I don't know if it did anything, even though it said it had quarantined it all. Logs were huge so I've zipped them and uploaded them here >>

    Problem is I'm a Web Designer so there is hundreds of html files on my PC which it lists as infected. Hope these aren't ruined otherwise I am too! :cry

    I ran Combofix in Safe Mode and it worked fine. It did crash on reboot but luckily the log had already been created. It found and deleted a load of stuff so I hope it's a start. Log attached.

    MGtools ran fine although I got one '.dll' error. Log attached.

    One final thing, twice on reboot, as Windows was loading up, I had a window open up on the desktop. One file in it called '21.exe' (root path was C:\programfiles\windows). I deleted the folder and not seen it since. I imagine it's all related to the virus but thought I'd mention it.

    Thanks :)

    Attached Files:

  9. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    I'm sorry but I have some bad news. I suggest that you backup all important personal data and then make an Avira Rescue boot CD and run it to see if it helps. Due to the nature of this infection, there is risk that Avira will remove OS files that are infected and thus the PC may not boot so this is your choice whether you wish to attempt it. Either way, a reinstall may be required. :(
  10. Flaunt

    Flaunt Private E-2

    You're right..that's not good news :(

    My copy of Windows was pre-installed so how would I even go about a reinstall? What exactly does this Avira Boot CD do then? I'd like to know what I'm letting myself in for as my entire business is run from this PC and I have a number of clients awaiting a response from me regards their websites :(

    *edit* is it safe to move all my html website files to a back-up drive?
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  11. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    This is why it is so very important to make regular backups. :(

    Do you have a user manual that came with your PC? Do you have a recovery partition?

    What does the avira rescue disk do? It gives a description from the link I gave you:

  12. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    C:\ D:\ and I:\ are infected.

    You could try copying the HTML files to a CD and then load them onto another PC ( not run them ) that is clean and rescan with ESET or similar which may then be able to just disinfect them without the infection being around which is causing reinfection. If the scan cannot clean them permanently then there is nothing we can do.
  13. Flaunt

    Flaunt Private E-2

    Somewhere I think....buried away in a box somewhere :confused

    I seem to recall a friend ages ago saying that these pre-installed Windows PC's had a whole back-up of Windows saved somewhere on the hard-drive. Does that sound right?

    Any tips on where or how I can use it if it is?

    Thanks for your help anyway, Kestrel. It's always appreciated even if it is bad news this time ;)
  14. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Usually there is an F key to hit to access the recovery partition on start up. It could be F12 or the like. I suggest you post in the software forum for additional assistance with this.

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