browser pages too big

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by bravachick, Sep 4, 2006.

  1. bravachick

    bravachick Private E-2

    Morning all,

    I recently had my win xp re-installed as other version was a copy (didnt know at time of purchassing), since I've got it back the pages that I visit on the net are bigger than before, I have to scroll across to read rest of page which is really annoying. Ive tried changing the text size in the view tab but this just makes the text too small and makes me squint. Could someone guide me on how to adjust this annoying problem.

    Thanking you inadvance. :)
  2. dedub

    dedub Corporal

    As simple as it may sound, try changing the graphics card resolution. That is what makes things on your screen larger or smaller. It sounds like you might have it on 640 X 480 or 800 X 600. Take your slider and move it to the right a few. Small screen resolution will affect your browser experience. If that aint it let us know
  3. bravachick

    bravachick Private E-2

    thanks for the advice, I tried changing the screen resolution, fonts, text sizes, before posting on here, but they didnt work.
    The screen resolution, when I changed it my screen went blank for a few seconds, but within that time a message came up saying 'out of range'. I didnt get a message like that before I have genuine Xp installed. Any ideas?
  4. dedub

    dedub Corporal

    Bravachick, I still think its the screen resolution and Ill bet a dollar with the new install of XP, the generic driver that comes with XP is the one that was loaded. You are going to have to go to the manufacturers website for that particular video adapter you have, download the driver and do a "reinstall driver" from the device manager and point it to the new one. You maybe lucky and it will be a self extracting .exe file and all you will have to do is double click it. More than likely that will be the case. With a driver that is not specific to your adapter you will have issues trying to change resolution. After your adapter is being run by the proper driver you will have more control over resolution and it should fix your large screen problem.
    good luck
  5. bravachick

    bravachick Private E-2

    thanks chuck,,i'll try that.

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