Buyer beware, GFWL+DIRT 2+online+unsupported country= :(

Discussion in 'Software' started by OnionGulch, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. OnionGulch

    OnionGulch Private E-2

    Buyer beware, GFWL+DIRT 2+online+unsupported country= :( Can not race online. ( Games for Windows LIVE )

    This what happening with DIRT 2 and will we see this happen with F1 and if there a GRID 2? Checkout this repost:

    Will Codemasters give new CD-key to those players in unsupport countires that need...



    Don't feel right buying DIRT 2 if others are getting screwed out of their hard earn dollars.
    GFWL stole my game

    Attention. This game is a scam, as it works on Windows-Live

    Steam vs GFWL ( Games for Windows LIVE ) and unsupported countries.
  2. OnionGulch

    OnionGulch Private E-2

    I just found this petition at the "Game for Windows LIVE" forum. If you want Microsoft to change their ways with GFWL, you might want to sign this petition:

    Add the support of other countries into LIVE

    To: Microsoft and Games for Windows - LIVE team

    We want Microsoft to include support of many other countries into LIVE like Russia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, China and many others! Stop discriminating the players!


    The Undersigned
  3. OnionGulch

    OnionGulch Private E-2

    One more DIRT 2 player to add to the list of players robbed by GFWL ( Games for Windows LIVE ):

    Cannot play online with Live Account. Possibly unrecoverable key?

  4. OnionGulch

    OnionGulch Private E-2

    Shame on Codemasters for turning a deaf ear to the online racing community, Helios confirm F1 2010 will use GFWL. Look like GIRD will be my last Codemasters game:

    Repost form F1 forum, " WHY Codemasters, why are you using Games for Windows LIVE? "

    Please Helios, tell us why Codemasters has decide to stick with "Games for Windows LIVE" after all the complaints and problems GFWL cause with DIRT 2?

    F1 racing is popular around the world, so why would Codemasters use a program that block over 166 countries from racing online? And is going to cost you PC sales and a lot of headaches dealing with corrupted savegames files and delaying the first PC patch by a month while Microsoft certify the patch? ( DIRT 2 first and only patch, took 3 months to get release, GIRD first patch only took 5 weeks, second patch a month later )

    It seem the PS3 is the only gaming platfrom that is safe to use world wide. Even the Xbox 360 is getting block from racing online if sold in an unsupported country.

    There got to be a better solution than GFWL, that will help protect games from being pirated, but still let paying customers race\shoot\play online.

    Will Codemasters print on the PC box and Steam download page this time around, that if live in country not supported by "Games for Windows LIVE", you will not be able to go online and race or get DLCs?

    Will Codemasters make it clear to buyers before they buy F1 2010, that if they have the misfortune to live in a country that Microsoft will never support ( been 3 years and Microsoft has not added any new countries to their supported country list of 26 ), Microsoft will block you from racing online. Codemasters did not do this with DIRT 2, so many players got ripoff of there hard earn $40-$70 when they bought DIRT 2, then LIVE block them from online racing! :(


    I will never, ever buy a "Games for Windows LIVE" game again!!!! Please Codemasters, see the light and let all of us race online.
  5. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Ooookay. I get that you are upset, but how could you not have known about this before you bought the game. Didn't you any research at all?

    Secondly, you're not going to change anything at all by spamming an independent forum with your rage. Contact your consumer rights organization, or Codemasters. Venting here is a waste of your time.
  6. Nedlamar

    Nedlamar MajorGeek

    And so it is said :cool

    I can sympathize but I'm afraid I agree with Mimsy and can't see how you would not know before you bought it.
  7. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    I,too, can sympathize.
    But I have also bought things in the past, based on the Company reputation, only to find out that it didn't live up to the expectations.No refund or exchange.
    Still, it made some nice targets. The shiny sides show up REAL good.
  8. OnionGulch

    OnionGulch Private E-2

    Codemasters previous racing games DIRT and GRID did not use "Games for Windows LIVE". DIRT 2 was first Codemasters game to use LIVE. If bought DIRT 2 from a place like Steam and Direct2drive or online stores like Amazon, there was no warning about DIRT 2 using GFWL and no warning GFWL would block you from racing online if you live in the wrong part of the world. It took Codemasters 2 months after the release of DIRT 2 before they updated their DIRT 2 download page!!

    We are use to racing with everybody around the world with racing games like Flatout 1 and 2 and GRID, then come along Microsoft blocking a third of the world from racing online with a game they paid for. The internet been bringing the World closer together, it should not be use to divide us!!
  9. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    So in other words, when you discovered that GFWL works just like any other region-based online service, you were surprised?
  10. OnionGulch

    OnionGulch Private E-2

    I been racing online since 2005 and have never ran into a region-based online service. But GFWL is not truly region-based, if you know to lie when you first setup LIVE ID and use one the 26 supported countries, LIVE will let you race online. But you got to know about this trick, to use it. Many that bought DIRT 2 did not!

    Some guys wanted to race DIRT 2 so bad online they bought a second copy and lie the second time around. Players should not have to do this, GFWL is just making more PC players not buy PC games that uses LIVE. Which hurt the game makers sales.
  11. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    I'm still confused about why you think proclaiming all that on an independent 3rd party forum will help your cause in any way... really.

    Oh, and spelling out how to cheat copyright protection on online gaming services is usually not a good idea in a US-hosted forum. Just something to keep in mind.
  12. OnionGulch

    OnionGulch Private E-2

    Major Geeks help me out with a nasty virus a couple years ago, so thought I would return the favor and give a head up to guys that buy PC games to race\shoot\play online. You might want to avoid games that use GFWL.

    Steam's Steamworks support over 200 countries and territories and provide the same and some better features than GFWL. ( can be use with a retail disk ) So there better online solutions out there than GFWL that will let "all" of us play online.

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