buying new comp

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by The_Big_Boss_1st, Oct 21, 2004.

  1. The_Big_Boss_1st

    The_Big_Boss_1st Private E-2

    hey, i'm from portugal and i'm trying to buy a new comp, whats the best site for me to do my shoping???

    thunx a lot
  2. Anon-15281db623

    Anon-15281db623 Anonymized

  3. Zulu-1

    Zulu-1 Specialist

    New Egg Doesnt Ship Outside Of The United States...
    Sorry But That Annoys Me!!!!!!!
  4. {wizard}

    {wizard} Private First Class

    were are you located in canada, Zulu-1?
  5. BeerMonkey

    BeerMonkey Master Sergeant

    Zulu, i live in canada and use
    Awesome place to buy stuff, also very cheap.
  6. Don Do Right

    Don Do Right Private E-2

  7. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    I just had a bad xperiance w/monarch (first time buyer) On the 10th of this month i ordered throught the phone amd 64 3200+ (winchester) and venus h/s. yesterday i recieved my *first* email stating that it was delayed and wouldnt ship untill the 29th of oct. I canned the order and got all my stuff off new egg and for a better price.
  8. Don Do Right

    Don Do Right Private E-2

    Yep! Problems can happen. As I said NewEgg sells parts and usually cheaper than almost everyone, and they have an almost perfect score at, but as "The_Big_Boss_1st" was looking to buy a built computer, NewEgg wouldn't do. Unless they could get them to build the computer AND ship out of the U.S.
    Cyberpower was listed with a sub-par score also. SOOOO... does this site need to be rated themselves????? Thing is you can read all the different comments that people have left so I don't know....There's no way that they're getting kick-backs from a company or two....

    NAH!!!!! That don't happen.....They even say on their site that they DON'T endorse any company... SO THERE!!! (snicker snicker) Now I don't even know what is RIGHT....
    I might always be RIGHT but I'm not always CORRECT
  9. Zulu-1

    Zulu-1 Specialist

    wizard i live in a city called Brampton its about 40 miles from toronto ontario
    i dont really like ncix.. theyre too exspensive :(

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