Calling all scripting or programming gurus

Discussion in 'Software' started by greasemonkey, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. greasemonkey

    greasemonkey Private First Class

    First up, not sure if this the right place, but, here goes.

    The problem I am faced with is as follows:
    I'm currently working on a project of setting up an online web catalogue.
    I have over 400 files (jpeg's & pdf's) to upload to this site.
    The creator of the site has no facility for bulk uploads via FTP nor via the web interface.
    The only way to get these files to propagate to the database correctly is to go about it one by one via the web.
    this involves:
    clicking on a link to upload a new resource (page refresh)
    browsing for the file to upload (page refresh)
    giving a name to the resource (we'll be naming the same as the file name) selecting a couple of check boxes and clicking upload (page refresh once the transfer is complete)
    & then repeat this several...:bangheadhundred...:bangheadtimes... :banghead

    As you can imagine, having to babysit each individual upload will be a hugely time consuming, mind numbing experience:zzz

    My question,
    what is going to be the best way to automate this process? scripts, macros or the like?
    Any ideas and advice on this would be hugely appreciated

  2. DevGeek

    DevGeek Private E-2

    First of all i would like to say,in 21 century its a shame to have a hosting without FTP support,i recommend you to change the Hosting Service immediately.
    Second,i think that the best way to automate that is to use some scripting language like AutoIt,its great for automating projects,it has simply syntax,great support,its small and easy,if you like to i can help you to program it :) But i think doing this by hand would be the best,because the changes to make that with scripting or something else are very low,because its not that easy :)

    Greetings DevGeek...

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