Can someone help me Backup a folder from xp pc to windows 7 pc over the network plz

Discussion in 'Software' started by travancore, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. travancore

    travancore Private E-2

    Can someone help me to Backup a folder from xp pc to windows 7 pc over the network plz. I have a windows xp pc which is a music server for radio play programme have 2 drives 1 tb each. Drive e is a database of music. The entire e drive is a folder and need to be backed up to a windows 7 machines second drive called e. I have used freefileSync to copy (drag and drop) and seems like everything is copied, but tried to run the radio play programme from windows 7's backup folder only part of the programme is working. Both machines are on the same network. I have tried to change the directory of the radio play programme on the backup and is not working, that means something missing. FreefileSync is running from the windows 7 machine. Is there anything I have to do on the xp machine to make this backup work properly. Any advice will help. Thank you
  2. mdonah

    mdonah Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Re: Can someone help me Backup a folder from xp pc to windows 7 pc over the network p

    Try Windows Easy Transfer.

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