Cannot Disable Shadowing and Cacheable RAM

Discussion in 'Software' started by phoop, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. phoop

    phoop Private E-2

    Older HP laptop that has a different looking screen than I'm used to when I press f8. And there is no option to disable cache or shadowing.
    FWIW, just upgraded from win 7 to win10

    Only options I have bios wise seems to be
    1. restore defaults
    2. reset bios security to factory default

    Thanks for any help!
  2. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Make model of laptop?

    Why do you need to disable cache or shadowing?
  3. phoop

    phoop Private E-2

    HP elitebook 8570p

    We just did #1 and #2 from my first post and that has fixed it...we were getting a blue screen that popped up 20 seconds after desktop appeared.

    The disable cache and shadowing was a fix from a google search...but seems as though the restore/reset tricks worked.

    So all clear for now...:)
  4. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Awesome, glad it is working now for you!

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