Can't install Reatek Audio drivers.

Discussion in 'Software' started by BillD, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. BillD

    BillD Private First Class

    After the day from hell trying to repair my comp, and reformatting, I am unable to install the sound drivers for the onboard Realtek sound. Every attempt ends in a fail. The comp is a P35K Asus MB, Intel E6750 CPU, 2 gig Geil ram, WD 500 gig, XP pro. When I first assembled this system on Boxing Day 2007, I had issues with the Realtek, in that it had to be installed prior to the service packs. Yesterday I used an install disk that contained SP 3 ( what a difference time wise), so there was no option to install the sound before the SPs. Oddly, I used the same install disk on an older notebook yesterday and was able to install the Realtek sound without issue. Any ideas? Thanks.
  2. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2011
  3. BillD

    BillD Private First Class

    I just tried those drivers and it failed. the message was; Install Realtek HD Audio Driver Failure!! [Error Code: 0xE000227]. it fails at the end of the install. It did this with the original drivers on the disk, the downloaded drivers from Asus and now these from MG. Thanks for the response.
  4. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Are there any yellow exclamation marks in your Device Manager relating to sound?
  5. BillD

    BillD Private First Class

    Yes there is the yellow exclamation beside this device.
  6. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Right click the device and select properties. Post the Vendor and Device ID.

  7. BillD

    BillD Private First Class

    is the detail. Thanks again.
  8. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

  9. BillD

    BillD Private First Class

    This is turning into a real nightmare. The links in the article are either dead or direct you to something else. The first downloads of the fix weren't exes and other links are for drivers or other programs. I thought I got the right one but it has made no difference . I will continue on. Thanks again.
  10. BillD

    BillD Private First Class

    I followed the instructions to the letter, and had the same results. This is getting very frustrating.
  11. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Not sure what the problem is. Onboard audio is enabled in BIOS, correct?
  12. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Try this.
    First disable UAA then uninstall UAA in Device Manger/System Devices, will the driver then install.
  13. BillD

    BillD Private First Class

    You can only disable UAA in safe mode. So, I found a link and went to safe mode , disabled UAA, rebooted into safe mode,, uninstalled UAA, installed drivers, and rebooted, which fixed the problem. I had tried to disable the UAA in DM and the HD audio disaappeared from DM. This was a concern, so after it was done, i went into DM and the HD audio was there.Thanks for your help tgell.
  14. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Glad you got it fixed! Thanks for the feedback.
  15. BillD

    BillD Private First Class

    The problem is I don't know why the other fix, which is posted in many places, and worked for many people, didn't work for me.

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