Can't kill w32/Wingor.A trojan

Discussion in 'Software' started by NICK ADSL UK, Jan 28, 2004.


    NICK ADSL UK MajorGeeks Forum Administrator Staff Member

    POSTED BY BID95945
    1.2 AMD, Win ME OEM

    My AVG free version Resident Shield keeps finding
    W32/wingor.A Trojan
    C:\windows\system\updater.Exe on startup (big red pop up )
    I heal it with AVG.
    Then use start> search > type: updater ; and wrangle it over to the recyle bin and kill it.
    BUT EVERY time i reboot i get a new copy of updater and it starts all over agine.

    I had spybot and zone alarm and ad aware and avg all going / it slipped by as a windows update from (microsoft update site.)

    I dumped spybot and zone alarm

    Now have AVG,Ad aware,swatit, anti trojan shield, and Trojan remover T-R at startup
    This one is driving me nuts/and slowing the puter down anyone have any ideas.
    Thanks xgates


    Originally Posted by bid95945
    1.2 AMD, Win ME OEM

    My AVG free version Resident Shield keeps finding
    W32/wingor.A Trojan
    C:\windows\system\updater.Exe on startup (big red pop up )
    I heal it with AVG.
    Then use start> search > type: updater ; and wrangle it over to the recyle bin and kill it.
    BUT EVERY time i reboot i get a new copy of updater and it starts all over agine.

    I had spybot and zone alarm and ad aware and avg all going / it slipped by as a windows update from (microsoft update site.)

    I dumped spybot and zone alarm

    Now have AVG,Ad aware,swatit, anti trojan shield, and Trojan remover T-R at startup
    This one is driving me nuts/and slowing the puter down anyone have any ideas.
    Thanks xgates
  2. alanc

    alanc MajorGeek

  3. bid95945

    bid95945 Private E-2


    I just down loaded The Cleaner pro 4.0 and updated / nada
  4. bid95945

    bid95945 Private E-2


    About 2 weeks ago i disabled System Restore, darn thing never did work anyway.
    I would keep getting the
    stoned monkey virus in the MBR it loves Win ME
    Fdisk / reinstall is the only way to kill that one!
    I got the wingor.a about 4-5 days ago.
    I update everything every day manually usually in P.M.
  5. General_Lee_Stoned

    General_Lee_Stoned BuZZed Lightyear

    when youve cleaned out the trojan etc also look for and delete a file called
    NICKLIST.TXT if it exists it should be c:\windows\system
  6. bid95945

    bid95945 Private E-2

    Thanks 4 the reply

    I healed it then trashed it found the nick everything running normal
    Thank you,
  7. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    It is not necessary to fdisk and reinstall to clean the stoned monkey virus. Here is some info from the McAfee website:

    [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Removal Instructions [/font][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
    Windows 95/98:
    Note for Windows 9x systems - during the boot process a Windows95 created boot disk will access the hard drive for information. Because of this an image of the virus may be in memory but not active.
    To remove the virus, follow the following steps:
    - If you use the McAfee emergency disk, hit F8 at the starting Windows 95 message, and select Step-by-step Configuration. Say yes to everything except processing the autoexec.bat file.
    - At the a:, type

    BOOTSCAN.EXE is available for download from

    Windows NT/2000:
    Shut down the PC and turn the power off. Obtain or create a virus free boot disk and scan disk. After booting, at the A:\ prompt, execute the following command:
    BOOTSCAN C: /boot /clean

    Once the virus has been removed, remove all floppy diskettes from the computer and reboot from the hard drive.

    This will also clean an NTFS Master Boot Record and allow Windows NT to successfully reboot from the hard disk drive. VirusScan for DOS will not be able to read the rest of the NTFS partition. After starting Windows, execute VirusScan or NetShield to detect and clean Windows NT file infections which may exist.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2004

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