Can't uninstall Adobe Starter Edition 3.2

Discussion in 'Software' started by murphatoid, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. murphatoid

    murphatoid Private E-2


    I'm trying to uninstall Adobe Starter Edition 3.2 from add or remove programs and keep getting error 1327. invalid drive; E ;\ msg.

    I have tried reinstalling and still get same msg.

    I have an external hard drive I think may show up as E. Is it something to do with this?

    It's really starting to get on my nerves now.

    Any help appreciated!

  2. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

  3. iwunderdownunder

    iwunderdownunder First Sergeant

  4. murphatoid

    murphatoid Private E-2

    Hi again, thanks for replying!

    Iwunderdownunder, I looked at the page you suggested. I don't think the drive letter has been changed and I don't think that registry entries contain invalid drive letters but I'm not 100% sure because being easily confused I got a bit confused. Thanks anyway.

    Q: I downloaded Revo Uninstaller and got the same error message as before and "The wizard was interrupted before Photoshop could be completely installed. Your system has not been modified, Try again later."
    Revo Uninstaller then continued to find all the left behind stuff. I didn't delete any of it in case it caused more problems. Should I?

    Also my PC is behaving slightly strangely, freezing up a little as I'm typing. Could it be I have some malware? Thanks in advance!
  5. murphatoid

    murphatoid Private E-2

    Done it!

    System Restore and then it uninstalled with add/remove programs.

    Cheers for your help.:)
  6. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    Good stuff, glad to help. :)

    I would give Ccleaner a run and clear up any mess it has left behind.


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